Chapter 19

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Skip 3 months(January)

Bryce POV:

Ever since we left Maryland, Addison and I have been working on our relationship. I mean, we love each other, and we understand that we have to communicate for there to be an us.  We had recently been house hunting for a new house as we were beginning to outgrow the apartment. When we moved out of the apartment, Blake and Amelie would be moving in. They were excited to have their own space away from sway and away from Amelie's parents. 

I was currently in the twin's room playing with them. It's hard to believe that they are already seven months.  And they look like the perfect mixture of Addison and me. As we were playing, I was trying to get the twins to talk.

Amara: Da da

B: Omg, Addison, come in here 

Addison ran into the room with her towel wrapped around her.

A: What happened?

Amara: Da da

B: Yes, my perfect princess da da is here

I then picked Amara up and spun her around. 

Carter: Da da

B: Oh, look at my little boy

I then took Carter in my other arm and held both of them. Holding them so tight. I knew Addison had expected their first word to be mama, but I had been training them so much.

A: Hey, not fair. I carry them for nine months push them out, only for the both of them to say da da first. 

Addison had her signature pouty face look. I set the twins down and allowed them to continue playing as I walked over to Addison. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. Every parent wants them to say their name first, and no matter what, someone ends up hurt. 

B: They don't love you any less, baby. You know they love you. They may love you more than me. After all, you are the milk lady. 

A: Oh, shut up. We have to go house hunting today, and you haven't gotten in the shower yet. 

B: Watching the babies

A: I'll bring them to the room

As Addison and I picked up the twins along with some of their toys, we made our way into our room. As I got in the shower, I thought about how I was gonna purpose at Black Bear last month, but something told me to wait longer. I loved Addison. There was no doubt about that, but after our conversation at dinner, she had made many points in which made sense. That's why I wanted to make sure we were in the best place possible. I had gone with Josh and Jaden to get a new engagement ring, and it was currently at sway as I knew we were moving soon and didn't want it to get lost. 

Addison POV:

As Bryce was in the shower, I started to think about if Bryce loved me. As I thought about this very apartment, so many memories, run through my head, both bad and amazing. After our first fight, we came back here, and that was the night I conceived the twins, but it is also where I spent two months alone because of the split. As I was in deep thought, I heard my phone. I walked to the bedside table to pick it up. 

A: Hey Dixie

D: Hey Babes, what's wrong? You sound sad

A: I don't know. I mean, I was just thinking about all Bryce and I have been through and not just within the past year, but throughout our time knowing each other. How are we constantly overcoming so many challenges? 

D: Because you guys love each other, and you guys understand the pain itself better than anyone because you lived it together. Remember when you took Bryce on a getaway trip to Joshua Tree the first time. 

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