chapter four | don't leave

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The moon glinted as a glacial zephyr rattled their breaths. Fingers intertwined, Uenoyama and Mafuyu were noiselessly ambling through a park, trees drenched in silver moonlight.

Mafuyu surveyed Uenoyama dotingly, Uenoyama too tongue-tied to speak up.

They stopped in a corner of the park, light washing the patches of grass around them.

Breath hitched because of the wintry atmosphere, Mafuyu squeezed Uenoyama's hand benignly, and at last, spoke.

"You get flustered so easily," Mafuyu tittered,

"O-oh, sorry," Uenoyama muttered, face red with embarrassment.

"It's cute,"

Silence followed those 2 simple words. To someone else, they could be uneventful and common, but Uenoyama crimsoned even more so, flinching as Mafuyu swiftly turned around, pecked him on the nose, and ran airily.

As though on cue, snow began to coat the dewy blades of grass in billowing shapes.

Is it just me or do given characters look like haikyuu characters- like Uenoyama looks like Kageyama, Mafuyu looks like Hinata, Akihiko looks like Tsukki, and Haruki is literally the blond version of Yamaguchi. anyways back to the story

"Uenoyama-kun, come join me!" Mafuyu called, voice brimming with delight.

He outstretched his arms, steadied his face at the sky, and spun.


Uenoyama felt awkward, but desperately in love with his significant other, he couldn't care less.


He united their hands once again, and they spun.

They revolved until they dropped, and when they did, they sat on the snow, blinking, and chortled.

As the snow got heavier, Mafuyu burrowed himself into Uenoyama's jacket and zipped it up.

Uenoyama mindlessly trailed his fingers on Mafuyu's arms.

"Don't leave me,"

I didn't really know how to end this, so I just used a cute quote- sorry if I update late btw, I'm watching banana fish and mentally killing myself. thanks for reading!

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