chapter nine | his something

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• requested by ELEMENT-OF-LIAR
• TW: mentions of su!cide

The day Yuki had committed suicide, and the day Uenoyama and Mafuyu had met, were all connected.

To think if Yuki had never killed himself, him and Mafuyu wouldn't be standing backstage, footsteps echoing flatly, both holding guitars.

Akihiko wouldn't be twirling his drumsticks in his fingers expectantly, and Haruki wouldn't be plugging his bass into the amplifier.

But there they were, getting ready for their turn. There they were, Uenoyama encouraging Mafuyu to just let it all out through the lyrics.

For Yuki. It was all for Yuki, and Uenoyama didn't mind in the slightest.

He knew how much Yuki meant to Mafuyu, and he respected that.

Standing there on edge, Haruki finally spoke up.

"Uecchi, you okay? You look nervous."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Mafu, how are you feeling?"

Akihiko snickered at the nickname.

"Shut up, Kaji-san," Uenoyama said irritably.

"Yeah, I'm okay Ue,"

Now that was a surprise. Mafuyu rarely used Uenoyama's nicknames in public, and even if it was just the band, it was still a slight shock.

But Uenoyama liked it anyways. The sweet tint it left on Mafuyu's cheeks, and the subtle taste on Uenoyama's tongue.

"And here, the band you're all waiting for, Given!"

Uenoyama and the others looked up at the noise, making their way onto the stage.

Their footsteps echoed, leading them to the adrenaline, the warmth of the lights, and just the pure joy of music.

And just like that, it started. Akihiko hitting the drums enthusiastically, Haruki plucking the strings of his base, Uenoyama strumming the guitar with an encouraging look at Mafuyu, and Mafuyu's song.

Although he was just singing, Uenoyama felt a streak of sadness pound through him, as he listened to the lyrics.

Honestly, Mafuyu's new song was a complete surprise. One day, he came up to Haruki, after the last performance, and said he had a song ready.

But he asked for it to be a surprise. He only told Uenoyama about a certain part, however. Mafuyu wanted to celebrate Yuki's life with a song, and of course, Uenoyama had supported him.

They would all practice with the lyrics they thought were done, but never knew about the rest. Mafuyu had convinced them to think there would just be an instrumental part at the end.

Uenoyama's insides curled with discomfort at warm pit of sadness in his stomach.

And then, as if a wave had washed all of it away, the mood changed, and they all stood shocked at the new lyrics.

And Uenoyama felt happy.

Mafuyu's eyes glistened softly, tears streaming down his face. But they weren't tears of pain, as it was before. They were tears of happiness, happiness that he had found someone as great as Uenoyama. And so the lyrics stated.

"From a depressing winter story, to something I longed for the most,
To something I would cherish forever, even if he wasn't my first,"

sorry I really didn't know what to use as a part of the lyrics-

And Uenoyama knew what that something was.

And he felt elated.

As the song ended, and Akihiko led them off stage.

Mafuyu ran into Uenoyama's outstretched arms.

"Baby, you did so good," Uenoyama mumbled, shooting a daring look at Akihiko and Haruki.

Mafuyu giggled, pressing a kiss to Uenoyama's neck.

"Now now, don't go all lovey-dovey in public," Haruki teased.

Uenoyama just rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, let's go home," Uenoyama said, draping an arm around Mafuyu's shoulders.

"This isn't 'lovey-dovey,' is it?"

"I meannnn," Haruki started, sounding quite amused.

Uenoyama just scowled and led Mafuyu out the back door.

"Now then, since they're gone," Akihiko smirked.

Haruki punched him in the arm.


eee thanks ELEMENT-OF-LIAR for the idea

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