chapter ten | did you just growl?

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• requested by stfuim_reading
• TW: s3xual ass@ult, alc0hol, and sm0king

I'm just gonna combine the Valentine's Day request thing because I realized the other oneshot is for later

"Ue-Chan! I'm going out with Kaji-San!"

"Alright, be careful," Uenoyama replied.

Mafuyu admired the plaid green jacket, surprised at how warm it was.

Slipping his shoes on, he opened the doors, keys jingling slightly, and Mafuyu left without another word.

with uenoyama

Uenoyama paced around his room anxiously, trying to place the eerie feeling in his gut.

Sighing, he dropped onto the sofa, scrolling through Netflix. Boxes of colors whirred part, still unable to locate that feeling in his stomach.

Uenoyama stood up suddenly, mind telling him to call Mafuyu, but he reconsidered it and plopped back down, considering himself too paranoid.

Mafuyu had been out alone, and this time he was with Akihiko.

Pulling on his sweats uncomfortably, he lays back, trying to shrug off the weight on his chest.

But of course, he couldn't. Uenoyama knew how beautiful Mafuyu was, and he didn't want anyone to take advantage of his innocence.

And so, Uenoyama sat in the living room, waiting. And waiting, and waiting. For what however, he didn't know. He just knew he had to wait.

After a while of this, he looked up at his watch. It read 9:57. The soft ticking didn't add much to his edgy mood.

Two hours had already past. No texts, no calls. Uenoyama ruffled his hair nervously. After waiting for a minute, he set out, slouching under his jacket.

He often checked his phone, paying barely any attention to his surroundings.

When he reached his destination, Haruki's apartment, he rang the doorbell twice. No answer. A more worried expression formed on his face, knocking the door vigorously.

He turned the knob, smacking himself in the head once as it twisted open.

The room was much too cold for his liking. An empty bottle was at the foot of the door, pillows fluttered on the floor.

His eyes landed on the table, spotting Mafuyu's keys with spatters of wine.

Turning on the lights, he saw Akihiko passed out on the floor. Swiftly, he slapped Akihiko once on the cheek; when he didn't wake up, Uenoyama went to the kitchen to get some water, drank some, and flicked the rest at Akihiko.

He stirred, looking down at his bare torso.

"Ue?" He asked drowsily.

"Where's Mafuyu?"


"Where is Mafuyu?"

"Oh.. some man came and took 'im... 'said 'e was going to the alley nearby.."

Uenoyama sharply turned from Akihiko, fear pulsating throughout his entire body. Leaving Akihiko in his state, he pulled the door open with a new-found force. Clutching the keys tightly, he ran down to the nearest alley. The glittering colors seemed almost mocking as the cold air slapped his face.

with mafuyu

"Hey sweetie,," One of them said, eyeing Mafuyu lustfully.

"Mmm..?" Mafuyu hummed half-consciously.

The other men stirred, the tallest giggling and lifting Mafuyu's chin.

A shiver ran down Mafuyu's spine. His touch was cold and unfamiliar.

Mafuyu made to move, but the other men said, "Where are you running to~?"

The man turned, pinning him against the wall and eyeing Mafuyu.

"Mmm, how can someone be so cute and hot at the same time~?" The gray-haired said lustfully. The voice, unnerving him, sent Mafuyu into an unstable state of panic.

The shortest moved his hand to Mafuyu's neck, sliding down to his waist; his face was shielded by the dark.


But what corrupted men actually listens? So unfortunately, they didn't. Mafuyu felt his vision swim from tears and his dizziness, pushing himself up while trying to resist them.

One of their thick fingers slid up Mafuyu's shirt, as his eyes widened and was now throwing a full fledged fit.

with uenoyama

Panting, he reached the nearest alley, gritting his teeth as he saw two silhouettes, one forcing himself onto the other.

Stomping closer, he shoved the unknown people off of Mafuyu.

"Hey, what's your problem, man? We know him." They said angrily.

Mafuyu shook his head meekly.

"Okay, okay, so what if I'm not? We can share," The one nearest to Mafuyu said, slyly.

Uenoyama brought his fist back and straight up punched him.


"Alright, calm the fuck down."

Uenoyama moved to retort, but Mafuyu grabbed onto his arm. Shooting him a dirty look, the man ran off.

Uenoyama looked at Mafuyu soberly, picking him up bridal style.

Mafuyu cuddled into his neck, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

"Shhh, it's okay, it's not your fault," Uenoyama glowered at the thought of the man.

Mafuyu giggled slightly, pointing at his face, "You look attractive when you're mad."

Uenoyama rolled his eyes, carrying Mafuyu while grumbling.

Every time Uenoyama saw someone stare at them, he'd glare back, as though daring them to say something.

Mafuyu bit Uenoyama's collar bone drunkenly, one hand wrapper around his head.

Uenoyama, again, rolled his eyes, but gazed at him fondly anyways.

Uenoyama growled at the people giving him strange looks. Yes, he literally growled.

Mafuyu tittered.

"Ue-Chan, did you just growl?"

"I did not!"

"Did too,"

"Shut up,"

"Hah! I told you!"

Uenoyama bit his lip to suppress a chuckle. Glad that Mafuyu was slightly better, he carried him home, laying him on the bed.

Mafuyu fell asleep as soon as his head hit the cotton pillow.

Uenoyama unconsciously wrapped his arms around Mafuyu's waist protectively.

"You're mine, got that?"

Mafuyu smiled in his sleep, humming a quiet response.

"I'm yours, don't worry."

sorry if this doesn't exactly show uenoyama being protective, it was kinda hard to think of an idea. anyways, i published a sk8 fanfic; it doesn't have any chapters yet, but i'll be updating it later today. gbye, thanks for all the supportive comments 🥺💕

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