The Sleepover Chapter 13

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    "Foods ready!" My mom yells from the kitchen, Miku runs to the kitchen with Iwaizumi following behind.

"Just follow me since you guys will probably get lost." I say, they nod and follow me to the kitchen, "I made cookies for dessert!" My mom adds as we all take a seat.

Of course Kuroo and Bokuto sat next to me just on different sides. My mom hands us the onigiri and we all take a bite, Osamu was surprisingly making the weirdest face.

"Mrs. Oikawa can you teach me?" Osamu asks, my mom looks at him and smiles, "Of course! I'd love to!" She replies, I took a bite and as always it was delishious since my mom makes the best food.

"Feel free to ask me for anything! Just ask Y\N and she'll tell you where to go!" (Sorry if you're male-)  I take the cookies back to the living room before asking, "Since y'all like my room so much, do you guys wanna watch a movie in there?" "Y.e.s" Atsumu replies.

That's strange... why isn't Kuroo not Bokuto talking? "Y\NNNNNNNNN?" Miku says waving her hand in my face snapping me back into reality, "Sorry just got lost in thought... Follow me." I said going up the stairs.

"DAMN Y\N! YOUR ROOM IS HUGE!" Atsumu fan girls, I jump on my bed and turn the TV on, "You know you don't gotta sit on the floor right?" I said as Tooru sits on the side of my bed, "What do you mean?" Osamu asks with a confused look on his face. I then press a random button on my bed and a couch suddenly appears, "Ohhhh now I see!" Osamu replies.

The movie we watched was kinda sad if I do say so myself, even I was crying even though I knew I'd happen. "So, are you guys staying over or going back home?" Tooru asks wiping the tears off his face, "We're staying over, I don't know bout Kuroo and Bokuto though." Osamu replies looking at the two of them.

"I guess I can stay, my parents are out of town anyways." Kuroo says rubbing the back of his neck, "My mom loves when I go out so I'm staying!" Bokuto replied, "Alright then! I'll be back in a moment." I say getting off my bed.

I knock on Fuji's door and he must've noticed my knock pattern and tells me to come in, "Do you have any spare clothes for the guys?" I ask, "Of course I do, I'll get them at once Ms. Y\N." Fuji replies getting out of his chair and walking into a closet, "Y'know Fuji, you don't have to call me Ms. Y\N all the time, remember my nickname?" I said making Fuji pause, "You really want me to call you that?" If you have no nickname you can make one up) "Sure!" I replied before Fuji walks up to me giving me the clothes, "Ok then N\N." He says smiling.

"I'm back!" I say walking back in my room, "What took so long?" Tooru asks confused, "I was talking to Fuji." I replied placing the clothes down, "I see, well me and Iwa-Chan will be in my room." Tooru says getting up along with Iwaizumi,

Atsumu claimed the couch and Osamu claimed the floor, I honestly don't know where the other two are sleeping, I grabbed clothes since I was taking a shower and walked out the room.

I jump in the shower and start humming to a song mom used to sing to me when I was little, before I could continue I heard the the door open.

"Yes-" I ask peeking my head out before locking eyes with Bokuto who was blushing hard, "M-My bad Y-Y\N!" He says covering his eyes, "I-It's fine, I'll be out in a bit." I said putting my head back in the curtain.

The door then closed making me sigh in relief washing my hair out and turning the water off, I put my towel on my hair and dry my body before putting my clothes on and taking the towel off my head.

I walk back in my room not even thinking about anything since I was tired, and plopped in my bed before noticing the weight difference than usual.

I definitely know that it's not Miku because she's sleeping on her new bed and I could clearly see Atsumu on the couch so who was on my bed?

I had a sudden realization, "Kuroo and Bokuto..." I whisper to myself out loud, "Awww how'd you find out?" Bokuto whisper whines behind me before I turned flustered, I couldn't see the couch so it must've been Kuroo.

"At least now I have you all to myself!" Bokuto whispered in my ear. Before I could shift away he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and put my body between his legs.

At this point I couldn't even move away, but I didn't want to at the same time, he was warm.

"Are you comfortable Y\N?" He asks snuggling his face in my hair, "Y-Yeah..." I quietly replied, he hummed before loosening his grip a bit and falling asleep.

I somehow managed to turn his direction and snuggling my head into his chest, I could hear his steady heartbeat and falling asleep.

(In le morning) I woke up and look up a bit to see not Bokuto but KUROO'S face making me confused and shocked.

I blush a lot and look over my shoulder to see Bokuto hugging a pillow instead of me like last night.

I shift my head back to Kuroo and cuddle closer to him, I then feel arms wrap around my body before looking up to see Kuroo panting like he was having a nightmare...

"...Don't go..." He cried out quietly making me surprised but sad at the same time, he pulled me closer and started to plead cries even more making me snuggle closer to him.

I managed to get closer to his face where our noses almost touch and softly place my lips on his without thinking.

His eyes shot open before accepting it, I wasn't thinking it was gonna be soft but I guess it was his first kiss as well.

~*Kuroo x Bokuto x Reader*~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora