These idiots. Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

    "You aren't wrong." Kuroo says biting his lip, "Let's get this over with already! Y/n, would you like to date us?" Bokuto says putting a hand on his hip, "You can think about it, this owl just wants to be able to touch you." Kuroo replies, "Ummmmm..." I say putting my hand on my arm, "I'll... Think about it since I wanna get to know you guys better..." I replied looking away adjusting my glasses before Bokuto moves my face towards him taking off my glasses, "H-Hey give those back! I can't see anything!" I says trying to grab my glasses from Bokuto, but he was a foot taller than me so I wasn't tall enough to grab them, "You're so cute I wanna date you even more!" He replies making me blush and cross my arms, "You're such a jerk..." I whisper to myself, "But I think I'll be YOUR jerk~." Bokuto replies making me turn bright red, "I was wondering since you don't really play volleyball when me and Kuroo have break you can come over to my place!" Bokuto says smiling running his fingers through his hair, "Sure I guess-" I replied before seeing Kuroo hovered over me with his hand above my head, "Dude you SUCK!" Bokuto whines, "You've had a good look at her, it's now my turn." Kuroo replies licking his lips placing them on mine, "I get next go then." Bokuto replies crossing his arms, my eyes widen at his and Kuroo's action but I liked the way Kuroo kissed me, so I let it happen. He breaks the kiss before smirking, "She's all yours." Kuroo says backing up letting Bokuto come near me, "Cool." Bokuto says placing his lips on mine, they were different and I felt different passion in both kisses but Bokuto's was full of passion AND lust, he breaks the kiss leaving me there like a statue, "I think we broke her-" Kuroo says before getting cut off, "Those were my first kisses..." I say covering my eyes blushing intensely, before taking my hands off my eyes, "I'll think about it but I think I'll get some sleep-" I say speed walking down the hall quietly opening the door to see Suga writing something, I was quiet so he wasn't alarmed, I tried to sneak around Ennoshita's arm but I end up alarming Suga in the process, "Hi-" I whisper trying to act like I was never there, "Y\N! I need you to come over here real quick!" He whispered back, I nod proceeding to sneak past the guys hands and arms, "What's up?" I ask lying next to him, "I was wondering if you knew what these were." He asks lightly tapping the paper in front of him, "Aren't those supposed to be Volleyball signs or something?" I whisper back tilting my head, "Yeah! How'd you guess?" He replies putting the pen down, "Oh, Tooru taught me! I learned most of the by myself though." I replied smiling, "I see, when have you played?" He asks tilting his head giving me a confused look, "You know that spiker that was named the Giant Spiker? And a setter that was named the Giant Setter?" I ask putting my head on my hand, "Yeah, in Middle school actually." He replies laying on his back, "Well I was called the Giant Spiker. And Miku was the Giant Setter." I replied looking away, "Really?" He says looking towards me, "Yup." I replied sighing, "That's cool. At least you know more about volleyball." He says looking at the ceiling, "I also learned how to draw and I can draw anything and it looks like it's alive." I say pointing at my bag, "Can you show me?" He asks excited, "Yeah sure!" I replied getting up sneaking to my bag, I almost trip over Tsukki's hand in the process, 'Bitch if you don't-' I say in my mind, I grab my sketch books and speed sneak back to Suga, he looked like he was awake all night, but still wasn't tired, "Look through those, I do have some of my Middle School sketches in there." I say giving him each when he finished looking through like he was glued to each book, "You're awesome at drawing!" He says looking at me with a huge smile on his face, "It's not that much, lemme show you this one real quick." I say, he gives me the sketch book leaving a book mark before taking the one I recommend he look at, "Wow..." He says like he was lost in a corn maze, "You even drew the whole team! A-And it looks..." He says continuing, "Amazing...!" He finishes stuck on the page, "I was gonna show them but I'll do it another day." I replied while he flips through the book in amaze, "Is this whole book filled with drawings of us?" He asks looking at me, I give a nod before he closed the book and grabs the empty sketch book I randomly brought, "Would you mind teaching me?" He asks ripping a blank page out, "If you want, realistic or anime?" I ask grabbing the book getting a page out, "Anime because I don't really have good drawing experience!" He says chuckling, "Ok first you start off by drawing a circle a semi-circle and a line."
Time SkIp

    "One more!" He says in a cheerful tone, "You learn so easily, the first one I taught you and you're already good at it!" I say yawning due to the fact we were up all night drawing, "You know Y/n. Thanks!" He says closing his eyes smiling, "No problem! If you need anymore tips you know where to come." I say smiling back, "Good Morn-" Noya was cut off because he saw me and Suga next to each other laughing, "SUGA!!!" He yells waking up everyone else, "Noya shut the Fuck up!" Tsukki snaps going back to sleep. Well that just happened-

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