Richelle's revenge on Summer

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Same storyline where Summer wanted to audition as a soloist but Richelle beat her to it, but with a twist!

Richelle's POV:

I had just told A troupe about my thoughts on auditioning as a soloist on Dancemania.

The auditions were in a couple of weeks time, and I wanted to tell them about it, so that it wouldn't seem like I was straight up ditching the team.

They were disappointed and kind of sad but they still said that they would support me no matter what, especially Ozzy, to which I was grateful for.

I found out from Izzy that Summer was also planning to audition to be a soloist but I'm sick and tired of Summer always getting what she wants and anytime she doesn't, all she has to do is pull out the innocent act and a couple of tears and suddenly everyone's at her feet!

Except from A troupe though, they stopped talking to her when she went behind our backs and never apologised. She's been on B troupe every since.

Two weeks later:

I had just finished my audition and I walked out of the room, ecstatic that I got the chance to be a soloist at Dancemania.

I was just talking happily with Shawn when I saw Summer approach with Cleo. She looked confused at my outfit and her mouth dropped open when Shawn told her that the auditions were closed.

I just smirked and sauntered past her, ignoring her death stares. After that, I went to the Next Steep to get myself a celebratory mint tea before going to A troupe to tell them the good news.

I was scrolling through my phone, looking at crack head memes as you do, and sipping my tea, when a fist slammed onto my table. I looked up in annoyance and who do I see?


Of course.

"What?" I asked her, not even looking at her.

"How dare you?! You knew tha I wanted to audition as a soloist, so that's why you beat me to it! This is not fair! I bet you snuck behind A troupe's back, just wait until they find out! You know I'm sick of you, Richelle, always acting like you're such a boss, even though you're not! You act tough when really, you're weak! You're always going behind people's backs and you always think about yourself! Why are you so SELFISH!" She screamed at me, gaining little attention due to how unusually busy it was here.

"I hate you so much! You took this one opportunity from me! Can't you think about anyone but yourself for one minute?!" She continued yelling before slapping me across the face.

I looked at her stunned and even she looked slightly shocked at what she did.

Her slap was weak and she could definitely use lessons but no one has ever slapped me before.

How dare she?!

To make things worse, she took my mint tea and threw it all over me before storming out of the Next Steep, with Cleo trailing after her with a smug smile on her face.

Angrily, I stood up, ignoring the looks from other customers and stomped angrily to studio A.

"Oooh, what happened to you?" Kingston asked but I shut him up with a deathly glare.

"Look at what Summer did to me!" I shouted. "She's just so jealous that I did really well in my audition, that she had to do this to me!" I ranted on as A troupe listened to me.

"The next time I see her, I'm going to unleash all hell on her." I muttered, crossing my arms in anger. "Come on, Rich. Violence isn't the answer!" Piper tried to reason me but I gave her one look and she sighed, knowing that I was too angry to calm down.

I went to the locker room and I tried my best to take deep breaths and calm down and it worked. A bit. But when I got back to studio A, Summet was there and all my rage built up again.

Her walking into studio A and getting crowned queen flashed through my mind.

I thought about how she was awarded solos and dance spots right off the bat, and how she got front row and center without doing much. How she wrapped Michelle and Emily around her finger.

All of my anger and resentment towards her began to spill as she looked at me guiltily.

Storming towards her with fury in my eyes, Amy and Ozzy stood in front of me, gently moving me backwards so that I wouldn't slap the guilty smile off of Summer's face.

"Listen Richelle, I'm so sorry for what I did and said to you. I didn't mean it, I just-" She started but I cut her off with a scoff. "Listen, I'm trying to apologise but what you did was wrong too. I'm not the only one who's in the wrong here." She said as I looked at her in shock.

Is this hypocrite for real right now?!

"Listen Summer, you're a big hypocrite. How dare you slap me and throw my own tea at me, all because my audition impressed Shawn. What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled at her, taking steps forward.

"You know, you kinda deserved that slap. You needed to be humbled." She said, adding fuel to my raging fire.

I grabbed her by the shirt and slapped her hard. "How does that feel, Summer?! Do you feel humbled now?!" I said before slapping her again.

"Richelle stop!"

"Stop Richelle, Emily and Nick are gonna be back any minute!"

"Stop, you're gonna hurt her!" I heard my teammates say but I ignored them, focusing on the slightly scared girl in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and shoved her back, watching her fall, as she tried and failed to regain her balance.

I then walked up to Finn, and snatched the water bottle out of his hands, heading straight for Summer.

"Aww, I was gonna drink that!" Finn whined, as I fought back a smile at his comment. "I'll buy you one from The Next Steep later." I dismissed, walking back to Summer before pouring all the water onto her.

When I finished, I smirked at her dangerously, just before Kenzie and the girls dragged me out of studio A.

"You guys can't blame me, I finally got my revenge on that fake barbie." I said with a smirk before they could say anything.

They were giving pointed yet amused stares and I just shrugged feeling pretty good.

She deserved it, don't you think?

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