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Enjoy this one, it contains some violence but I hope you like it!


In the studio, due to the amount of drama surrounding relationships, Nick had banned the dancers from dating one another, telling them to keep their personal lives far away from the studio. Of course, many couples did not break up and have been dating secretly, and Piper and Finn were one of them.

The studio wasn't the only place where Piper and Finn were hiding their relationship as James and Riley had no idea either; so let's just say, sneaking around wasn't new to the two of them, though Finn had a lot more hiding to do than Piper did.

He was involved in some things darker than Piper could've ever imagined, her sweet bubbly boyfriend wasn't as sweet as he had appeared to be.

"Do you understand what you have to do?"

"I do, but I just don't understand why." He complained, running a hand through his hair, nervously.

"She's distracting you, so do what you've got to do."

Finn had no idea how he was going to be able to go through with this. It was a mistake being there. It was a mistake getting involved with this man in the first place. If only Finn had never curiously walked into that room, 5 months ago, he wouldn't have been in the difficult position that he's in now.

How did he get into this mess? That's a story for another time.

He felt stuck.

What he was being told to do went against his own morals and everything he stood for. This was so, so wrong and Finn had never even thought of doing something like this.

"But I can't. I promise, she's not distracting me." He tried, but the man in front of him narrowed his eyes at him. "You've gone soft." He seethed, glaring at him, as Finn shrugged. He's always been a softie at heart.

"If I was talking to anybody else, they would've done it immediately." Finn didn't mind any indirect insults the man threw at him, he just didn't want to do what he was being told to do and besides, the man couldn't actually prove that.

"Listen, if you don't do it, I'll do it myself. And you know I will." He said, smirking as Finn clenched his fists. The problem was, he knew that he wasn't lying; he probably would just do it himself, in a more painful way, as he had done to another guys', younger sister. "No, no, I'll do it." He muttered, trying to think of a plan to get out of this situation.

"You have 24 hours, and don't try to back out of this; I'll be waiting for you outside."

Every ounce of hope within him was crushed, how on earth was he going to get out of this. To him, the whole thing was excessive and over the top; there was no need to hurt an innocent person just because they had 'distracted' him, especially if this was a person he loved.

"24 hours, don't disappoint me." Was the last thing the man said, before stalking off into an alleyway, leaving Finn to his thoughts. He couldn't go through with this; there had to be another way. They could go to the police? He tried that and it did not end well, so that was out of the question. He and Piper could run away somewhere? He had tried that too, by himself, but the man and his shady 'friends' found him, and he got into trouble with Michelle, who had offered to teach a class or two, for missing rehearsals.

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