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Piper sighed as she gently dabbed foundation onto her bruises, wincing slightly as she came across a particularly tender one on her cheek.

Forcing back tears, she wondered how she'd gotten to this point in her life. Even after she had covered up her bruises, she continued to stare at her reflection in the mirror and felt as though she could cry; She looked so pale and had lost a lot of weight.

A knock on the door startled her out of her thoughts and she jumped up from her seat, before remembering that he was at work; she still had a little bit of freedom.


For the time being.

She checked herself over and over and once she was happy with how she looked, she ran down the stairs and threw open the door.

"Oh, it's been ages!" She squealed hugging the blonde on her porch. "I know, I've missed you so much!" Richelle smiled, returning her hug. "Wow, your place is spotless." The blonde remarked, taking a look around as they walked through to the living room. Piper's smile faltered as she instinctively touched her cheek.

Shaking off the feeling of dread, she sat down beside her friend, determined to look as 'happy' and 'content' as possible. They chatted amicably, reminiscing about their time at TNS and caught up on each other's lives. Piper was sure not to give too much away and made sure she was all smiles.

The sound of the clock ticking was almost unbearable; a reminder that he could come home 'early' at any given moment. He had done that a few times before and it never ended well for her. The memories caused Piper to touch the faded bruise on her forearm.

She silently begged for Richelle to leave even though she arrived not long ago. As much as she cared for her friend, she cared even more about keeping up her image and protecting her secret.

She didn't want people to think she was weak.

"Oh and before I forget, here's an invitation to my party. I used it as an excuse to come and see you." Richelle handed her the small decorated card, standing up as she got ready to go. Piper was glad and mentally high fived herself for being able to keep such a secret so well.

"Oh, celebrating your 25th? Looks very fancy." Richelled laughed and nudged her slightly, not noticing the flash of pain crossing her features. "So, can I put you down as attending?" She asked hopefully, causing Piper to laugh.

"Try and stop me." She could definitely think of a few things that would stop her from going but she put it out of her mind and tried to focus on the girl in front of her, who had hugged her excitedly and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry, you've got lipstick on you now. Here, I'll get a wipe." Richelle rummaged through her bag and pulled out a pack of makeup wipes. Piper laughed at first before stiffening.

"Wait, let me do it." She said, reaching out for the makeup wipe in a panic but Richelle held it away from her. "No, no I've got it." Piper tried to argue with her but she wasn't having it and that's when it clicked. It wasn't a coincidence. Richelle knew what she was doing.

"So it is a bruise."


"Why don't you ever say anything?"


"How did this happen? And tell me the truth, Piper."

"Richelle, please."

"No, you can't keep hiding this. I know something's wrong and the only way to help you is for to tell me what's going on!"

"Nothing's wrong! I fell, that's all. I didn't want you or anyone else making a fuss so I just covered it. I don't need your help because there's no problem." Piper was fidgeting with her bracelet, avoiding eye contact as Richelle stared at her hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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