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Nobody's POV:

"Where'd you put it?!" Piper screeched at the girl on the couch who was playing a video game.

"Stop screaming. What are you even looking for anyways, Pipes?" The blonde asked as Piper rolled her eyes in frustration.

"My suede heels, the ones you borrowed for your date thing with Ozzy." Piper sighed sighed. "Oooh! Why didn't you say so?! It's in my room, in my closet." She replied, smiling teasingly at Piper as she knew she was annoying her.

"Richelle, you are so annoying!" Piper said before storming off to Richelle's room as Richelle laughed. "I love you too Pipes!" She shouted after the frustrated brunette.

Piper and Richelle were both roommates in their shared apartment; they were both professional dancers and worked together.

A troupe had all gone off to do different things, though most of them became professional dancers. They were all still close friends and always kept in contact with each other.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" Piper asked, incredulously, with a curling iron in her hand, as Richelle stared at her best friend in confusion. "What are you talking about?" She asked nervously. She had genuinely forgotten what Piper was talking about and she knew how Piper got when she was angry.

"One day, Rich, I am going to kill you." Piper muttered as she rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. "You remember that fancy dinner outing thing that I got invited to? I needed a plus one and Finn's out of town, visiting his grandma so he couldn't come with me. Amy's in Quebec and so you decided to come with me. So why aren't you dressed yet?!" Piper explained as Richelle's mouth hung open.

Now she remembers! It's a good thing Richelle already picked out her dress. "Don't worry, don't worry! I have my dress picked out, I just gotta pick some shoes and some earrings- how much time do we have left?" Richelle blurted out as she stood up frantically.

She wasn't usually forgetful but being a professional dancer was pretty tiring, however she'd do almost anything for Piper and vice versa.

"We've got like 3 and a half hours." Piper replied, looking down at her watch. "What?! That's barely any time!" Richelle screeched as Piper sighed with a small smile on her lips.

She always thought that the hours Richelle spent on makeup were unnecessary but she didn't question her as Richelle was always precise.

"You go take a shower, I'll get the hair stuff, and I'll try and pick some jewellery out for you." Piper suggested, already walking back to her room as Richelle nodded and dashed to the shower.

An hour later of showering and picking out shoes and jewellery, Richelle was zipping up Piper's dress as she got out the hair equipment.

"Sit, sit! Let me do your hair." Piper said frantically. Once the pair had finished with their hair, they finally got their bags and headed outside to get a taxi.

"That was so stressful. Honestly, I should've set a reminder." Piper said as they sat at the back of the taxi. "It's not my fault; I was just tired and bored and then I forgot." Richelle replied nonchalantly, as Piper shook her head and laughed.

The two settled comfortably in the taxi and talked as they made their way on their hour journey to the dinner.


"Phew, I'm exhausted! That was such a long dinner and they didn't even have any good food. Now I'm starving." Richelle complained as the two girls stumbled through the door of their apartment.

"I know right?! And the servings of the decent foods were tiny! That was an abomination." Piper agreed as they sat on the couch and took off their heels.

"Wanna order a pizza?" Piper asked as Richelle nodded eagerly. "Definitely!" She replied as Piper laughed and got out her phone.

"We're going to the studio tomorrow right?" Richelle asked as she stuffed her face with a pizza slice. "Yup, and we still need to order the costumes for the duet competition next month." Piper reminded as she grabbed her third pizza slice.

"Yeah, yeah, we can order them tomorrow. You know, Kiera's gonna freak out when she sees all the pizza we're eating." Richelle stated, laughing. "I know, she always says that we eat too much pizza, like there's no such thing as too much pizza, right?" Piper replied as Richelle high fived her.

They were talking about Kiera, their manager, who hated it when they ate pizza around her, simply because they were apparently apart of the 'few uncultured swines in the world who believed that pineapple belonged on pizza'. Amy thought so too but decided not to mention it to the girls, considering how addicted they were to pizza.

The two girls had a duet competition coming up within the next month and if they won that, then that would be their 5th win in a row. Piper and Richelle have both won multiple solos, duets and other performances with Kiera and her company, but the big thing about this competition was that if the girls win this time, then they'd get to go on tour with the company.

"I hope we win and go on this tour, that would be so much fun." Richelle stated happily. "Yeah and I heard from Kiera that if we go on tour, we'd go to California. We could see Kenzie and Lily there." Piper exclaimed happily at the thought of seeing two of her close friends again.

Kenzie had temporarily moved to California with her dance company for a show, and Lily was there, opening her new dance studio.

"Yeah, I miss my best frenemies." Richelle said as the two girls laughed. "You know, I'm really glad that we work together and that we're roommates." Piper said happily as Richelle hugged her.

"Same, you make an amazing roommate. Surprisingly. Plus, it's great to live with your best friend." She responded, the pair laughing as Piper threw garlic bread at her.

The two enjoyed the rest of their night, stuffing their faces with food and watching their favourite tv shows.

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