What is SHE doing here?

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Set at the very beginning of season 7 and be warned, it's a pretty long one!

Piper's POV:

Rehearsals was just about to start, so Finn and I grabbed our teas and made our way to studio A, laughing about one of his dumb jokes.

As we walked in, I saw a familiar face, stretching in the corner, talking to Summer. She hadn't seen me yet, thankfully, so I grabbed Finn's hand and dragged him to the locker room.

"What's wrong, Pipes?" Finn asked, concerned at my sudden change in mood. "What is SHE doing here? She needs to go away." I asked him, annoyed.

"Who-" He started, about to name the person in studio A, but I cut him off. "Yes her." I said impatiently. "I don't know, let's go find out." He replied, shrugging and pushing me gently back towards the direction of studio A.

We were met with the rest of A troupe giving the familiar face a confused look, everyone unsure of what to say.

"Um, hi Amy." Kenzie said with a small smile, the air still thick with tension. "Uh, hi guys." Amy replied, almost shyly as I glared at her.

Emily and Michelle walked out of the office at the sight of us just awkwardly staring at Amy, though I was technically shooting daggers at her.

I opened my mouth to ask her a question but Emily interrupted me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Amy is here because she wants to be back on A troupe! Michelle and I gave her, her spot back." She said enthusiastically. "Isn't that great?" Michelle added with a smile, as everyone nodded, uncertainly.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Emily, quiet enough so that only she could hear me. She gave me a pointed look and folded her arms.

"Piper..." She said sadly. "Just at least let her explain why she left." She added softly, giving my hand a squeeze as I sighed and walked back over to Finn.

I didn't want Amy back; I had just gotten used to her not being here. She waltzed in here to get her spot back on A troupe but what if she isn't in the front row this time? Is she just going to leave again?

"Hey Piper." Amy said softly, during rehearsals but I glared at her and scoffed, walking over to Finn, as I ignored her hurt and confused looks.

During our break, I was talking to Kenzie and Henry but she walked over to us, sending me a small smile. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Richelle and Summer, hoping that Amy would just leave me alone.

"Piper, can we please talk?" Amy asked as I groaned. "No, I don't want to talk to you." I responded coldly through gritted teeth, ignoring Richelle and Summer's confused glances.

"Piper, please, can I just-" She started but I interrupted her. "No, I said I don't want to talk to you." I repeated, raising my voice slightly, as Finn put his hand on my shoulder. "But just let me explain why I-" She tried but I didn't want to hear anything she had to say.

"Just leave me alone Amy! I don't want you around, so go away!" I screamed at her, before storming out of studio A and into The Next Steep.

As I ordered my tea, someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around angrily, thinking it was Amy but it wasn't.

It was Henry.

"What is it, Henry?" I asked, irritated, sitting down on a chair as he sat opposite me. "What's wrong? Why are you so angry at Amy?" He asked softly as I sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered. "You can talk to me, you know. I'll sit here for as long as you want until you feel ready to talk." He reminded gently as I nodded slightly, the two of us sitting in a comfortable silence.

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