Purely Nick

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Thank you iiPinnTNS for the idea! I hope you guys like it!

Nobody's POV:

It's the night before the flight for Dancemania and all of A troupe are beyond excited; after all, it is the 'greatest show on telly', as Nick puts it. 

He was in the office, spinning around in Emily's chair, enjoying his office privileges since Emily had gone out to get a scone.

She was going home early tonight; something about needing a good night's rest before having to deal with B troupe and J troupe the next morning.

Nick was simply admiring his Dancemania pencil collection as he waited for the incoming calls from A troupe. He was supposed to ring them and check up on them before the big day tomorrow but he already knew that the calls would be coming in sooner or later, just as they did every week.

Most of the time, he would get weekly calls from the dancers, just them complaining and whining to him; he may not know a lot about dance but he was definitely a good listener.

They would sometimes call Emily and although she gave good advice, she quickly grew tired of the complaints and tantrums, so she simply told them to call Nick instead of her.

Nick and Emily had bets on who would call first; last week it was Lily, who spent half an hour educating Nick on why she was right and Kingston was wrong.

"Get out of my chair Nick." Emily said, walking back into the office as he grumbled and stood up. "I still think it'll be Summer." Emily said after a while, referring to their bet as Nick shook his profusely; he had a good idea on who would call first.

His phone began to ring as he cheered in victory.

"Ha! You owe me 20 dollars, Embo!" He celebrated as Emily rolled her eyes; as if she'd give him 20 dollars, he could get 5 max.

"Hey Heath! What's up?" Nick asked happily. "Nick, I can't go to Dancemania! You're gonna have to find a replacement for me because I'm not going anymore!" Heath said nervously.

"What? Why?" Nick asked. "I can't get on that plane. The flight is gonna take like 4 hours or something and that's plenty of time for something to go wrong. Anything that can go wrong, will probably go wrong." He replied, running a hand through his hair as Nick sighed.

"Listen, nothing will happen, we'll be there before you know it. Plus, you'll probably be next Kingston, so you'll be too annoyed to worry about the flight." He responded, with a laugh at the end as Heath began to complain at the idea of sitting next to that 'father of three'.

Nick eventually managed to calm Heath down, assuring  him that everything would go according to plan; he had planned for every single scenario, so he was pretty confident that nothing would go wrong.

"One down, nine to go." Nick said, as he settled into another chair, missing the fond smile that Emily gave him.

"Hey Amy." He said as he picked up his phone again. "Nick, I can't find my carry on bag!" She shouted panicked.

"Seriously Amy?" Emily called out from where she was sitting, unimpressed. "Yes seriously! I've looked everywhere and I just can't find it." She added.

"Are you sure you checked everywhere?" He asked, as she sighed impatiently. "Yes, I checked everywhere but it's not here!"

"Have you checked in your basement?" He asked in amusement, as Amy paused. "Thanks Nick." She said in relief, after a few minutes as he laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to go now. Bye." Emily said, waving tiredly as he happily took over her spinny chair.

Just another, slightly busier day being Nick; the dad of the group.

Nick's POV:

I started calling the rest of the kids to see how they were getting on with their packing as I wanted no delays tomorrow. I know how irresponsible they can be, though I suppose I can't really say much. It went along the lines of:

"Summer! How are you doing?" I asked, already knowing what she would say.

"Not good. I can't find my Oracle cards. How am I supposed to know how the day's gonna go tomorrow if I don't have my Oracle cards?" She cried out in slight frustration.

"Don't panic, I've got them here in the office. I found them under the bench in studio A." I replied.

"Great! Thanks Nick, you're a life saver!"


"Nick, I've got a huge problem." Lily said, as soon as I answered her call. "Okay, tell me everything." I replied seriously.

"So, I have to choose between two lip gloss colours; cherry red or scarlet red. I don't know which one to pick." She said as I nodded.

"Hmmm, that's a tough one." I added after a while. "Yeah, I asked the girls and they couldn't decide so I asked the boys and they just told me to take both of them! Can you believe that?" She said in disbelief as I gasped.

"What?! You can't just take both! How will you decide which one to wear during the performance?" I asked in shock.

"Exactly! Finally, someone who understands!" She shouted in agreement as I rubbed my forehead in thought. "I'm gonna have to go with... the cherry red one." I concluded.

"Yeah, I was leaning towards that one. Thanks Nick."


Once the calls had slowed down, I began to get ready to go home. Today was absolutely exhausting. But as I stood up and stretched, I got a call from an unexpected person.

"Oh, hi Richelle." I said slowly; A troupe were still angry at her but no matter what, she's still family.

"Hi Nick, I know you probably don't want anything to do with me after I left the way I did but-" She started.

"Nonsense! Although A troupe is still mad at you, you're still apart of the family, so lay it on me. What's the problem?" I interrupted.

"Well, it's just- I don't know if I made the right decision. I miss A troupe, I miss all of you guys and I've never felt as lonely as I do now. I tried to explain why I left but they didn't want to listen, I even tried to text them but they removed me from the groupchat. What do you think Nick? Do you think I made the right choice?" She ranted as I sighed sadly.

"Well, you left this morning which left us practically no time to adjust but I understand why you did it. I just hope it wasn't to spite Summer." I said.

"No, no. Believe me Nick, I didn't do it to spite her. Yes, I was annoyed with her but I auditioned as a soloist to see what I could do by myself, to prove myself." She justified desperately.

"I understand Richelle. I'll still be there to cheer you on, no matter what, just do your best." I encouraged. I managed to calm her down thankfully before I finally started to pack up again.

I could not wait to go to bed; who knew dancers were such hard work! 

As I was about to lock the door, I had a gut feeling that I was forgetting something.

Was it one of the dancers? No, I talked to all of them and they were at home, still packing. So, what am I forgetting?

Then it hit me. I forgot to turn off the light in studio 1!

As I was walking towards studio 1, I tried to remember who was using the room last when I face palmed in realisation. I know exactly who I forgot.

"Finn, what are you still doing here?!"


I hope you guys liked this and if anyone has any requests/suggestions, leave them in the comments or just message me! I also like to think that at least one person would've remembered Finn!😂

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