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Piper's POV:

Today started off as any other day. My mum and dad were on the couch watching the news as I ate breakfast whilst being harassed by James. My two older sisters went to the city, which was strange because they always take me with them.

When I asked my mum about it, she responded by saying that they tried to wake me up early this morning but I wouldn't budge. I didn't buy her story but I shrugged it off and carried on with my breakfast.

"James, if you do not stop poking me and stealing bits of my breakfast, I'll tell mum that you almost broke my arm two days ago." I hissed at him as he continued to pick bacon off of my plate.

"I never did that." He denied as I scoffed. "You literally body slammed into me before bending my arm backwards." I replied angrily.

"Geez, calm down. I stopped when I heard you crying." He said, as I rolled my eyes. "I didn't start crying, I elbowed you in the stomach." I responded as he groaned and rolled his eyes at me, stealing more of my food.

"Mumm!! James is stealing my food and two days ago he almost broke my arm!" I shouted out as Jamss glared at me. "Snitch." He hissed at me as I smirked. "James, stop harassing your sister." My mum said, not taking her eyes off of the tv.

'Is that it?' I wondered to myself as James looked at me smugly and smirked. "He just called you stupid!" I called out, as my mum gasped and fixed her glare at James.

"Wha... but...but she's lying!" He denied, my mum throwing a flip flop at him, as I watched in happiness as it smacked him in the face. "I'll get you back for that, Piper." He grumbled, stomping up the stairs, as I finished my food in victory.

After that, he just followed me around, bugging me. He's so immature sometimes; you would think that he was the youngest child.

"James." I called out to him, interrupting whatever non intelligent thing he was talking about. "What?" He replied boredly.

"Look, they're taking the trash out." I replied, pointing out of my window. "So...?" He asked, curiously. "Well don't just stand there, they might leave you behind!" I said whilst smirking as he glared at me.

"Well, you're adopted. There's nothing wrong with being adopted but I thought I'd just let you know." James retorted as I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Ha ha ha, that was a good one!" I replied sarcastically, as I rolled my eyes, not even looking at my older brother's guilty expression.

"Um, Pipes, I wasn't kidding. You are actually adopted." James said nervously, as I gave him a bored look. "Ha, ha, you're killing me with your funny jokes." I said with a straight face.

"No, you don't get it. We adopted you when you were two years old, mum and dad didn't want to tell you until you were 18 though." James replied as I stared at him intensely, trying to figure out if he was actually being serious.

"We can ask dad and he'll explain it to you." He added as I rolled my eyes and stormed past him into my dad's study.

"Dad! James told me that I was adopted." I shouted to my dad, who looked up at us in shock. "James, why would you say that?" Dad asked, as I smirked at James. I knew I wasn't adopted.

"We told you not to say anything until she was 18!" He scolded.

Wait what?

"Wait what?" I asked nervously. "Listen, Pipes, we were going to tell you when you turned 18, I promise, but don't think that we don't love you, because we do." My dad started off, as I gaped at him.

"Here's the letter from the foster care that we were going to give you when you turned 18." My dad said, handing me a white envelope with the words 'to Piper' on it.

This is real?!

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, Pipes." Dad said as I just opened and closed my mouth. My whole life is a lie?

"Here's a picture of your real parents." Dad added handing me a picture of a woman and a man with black hair and they were smiling brightly at the camera. Apart from the black hair, these people look nothing like me.

"Hey guys, I just came back from town. What's going on?" My mum asked, walking through the doors. "Piper found out." Dad replied simply as she gasped and glared at him.

"Don't look at me, it was all James's fault!" He blurted out as my mum fixed her glare on James. Something isn't adding up here, I can feel it.

I looked at everyone suspiciously before eyeing the picture of my supposed 'real parents'. "So you're not my real family?" I asked slowly as they solemnly nodded.

"We'll give you some privacy to open your letter." James said, before pushing my mum and dad out of the room. Sighing to myself in disbelief, I tore open the letter. It read:

To Piper,

Sike! I can't believe you thought you were adopted! Guess what, you're stuck with us forever, whether you like it or not. When you finish reading this, you're probably going to want to kill me, since this was my idea, but by now we all probably ran away. Anyways, love ya little sis.

Yours truly, James and the others.

I knew something fishy was going on here! No wonder mum 'went to town' and my older sisters went out to the city- they all knew about it!

Shaking in anger, I threw open the door and marched out to see my family putting on their shoes. "You guys were too slow, look she's here!" James hissed at our parents.

"So this was a prank?!" I asked angrily, holding up the letter. "It was James's idea!" My parents shouted simultaneously, as James nervously laughed.

"And you guys were in on this?" I asked, looking at my parents. "You didn't wash the dishes last night and your father thought it would be funny." My mum explained as I glared at every one of them.

"Who were those people in the picture?" I asked slowly. "Random people from Pinterest." James replied laughing.

I took a dangerous step towards them as they all ran through the door and into James's car.

In my peripheral vision, I saw two figures laughing and tiptoeing into the house from the back door. It was my sisters. They winked at me before pointing at James, then it began to click. This was going to be an ambush, I just needed to get James back into the house.

I just laughed at my sisters and waited until James and my parents were all in the car, before I walked into the middle of the driveway and folded my arms.

"We can't run over her and escape, can we?" James stupidly asked as I glared at him. "Why don't we all go inside and calmly talk about this." I suggested with gritted teeth.

"It's a trap, an ambush! You're incapable of being calm when I prank you!" James shouted back to me. "It's not a trap, just get back in the house and let's talk, sister to brother." I said as calmly as I could.

"Yeah James just go, we'll stay here." My dad said, practically shoving him out of the car door.

When James gingerly walked into the house, I shut the door and locked it. That was when we attacked him.

Round 1, let's go.


Sorry this isn't very good, I wrote this just now! But I tried. Hope you guys still enjoy it.

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