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As Agent 3 and Captain Cuttlefish were advancing towards the Octarian territory, they had encountered a menacing Octarian group, that inmediately attacked them.

While agent 3 was defending himself and Gramps, a strange unidentified Flying object flown over them, when agent 3 had eliminated almost every Octarian except for 1 single male octo, the UFO 🛸 attacked all of them. Making the floor crack and broke, Agent 3 being held captive, Captain Cuttlefish falling down to the ground and the other Octarian with him.




Kaíry and Noi's POV.
We have been lost for almost 3 weeks
Kaíry is still determined to be as far as possible from my father and from Ryan.
We were laying down in a small valley as we were just relaxing together.
Kaíry was hanging on a tree branch happily looking at her necklace, she had it open and she was looking at something inside it.

N: hey Kaíry..?
N: what's inside your necklace that you look at so much?
K: oh, it's just my necklace, it has a picture of my mom inside it

//Wanna see it? well I don't mind if you do or don't cause it's here anyways//

//Wanna see it? well I don't mind if you do or don't cause it's here anyways//

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Kaíry smiled as she showed him.

N: she is really cute
K: thanks! She was the most amazing person I ever met.
N: how can you remember that? 8 tougth she..... When you were 5 or so.
K: I don't remember exactly... But I just know she was so cute, nice and charming, the sweetest person alive
N: I remember your father telling you stories when he visited you..
K: when he was nicer....

The talk went on and on, as they soon reached the nigth they started to walk into a very Thick forest.

K: I can't se every well Noi....
N: I know.. Hold my hand and don't let go-

Kaíry stood on something that cracked and then it broke. Noi could hear Kaíry scream into the hole that it was in the ground.

N: KAÍRY!!!!
He extended his hand and grabbed her hand, she was hanging into a dark hole.


Her hand started to slid down

N: KAÍRY!!!!
She was looking at him really scared, she was not going to make it, she would fall....
N: Don't go away... Please!!!!!

She looked at him and then... She started to fall down to the abism, deep into the abism

N: KAÍRY!!!!!!

He did the only thing he could think of- jumping inside the abism, reaching her and hugging her closely.

K: you didn't left me-!
N: never!

The dark hole got them covered, taking them into the deepness of that misterious place....

Various hours later

Pov Kaíry.

Black, everything was black, I tried to stand up but everything of my body started to feel pain intensely.

K: "auch...... M-my head"

I opened my eyes and I saw Noi.. He was beside me. He was also passed out but he looked... Different?
What was he wearing??? A kind of leather jacket, and a thigth black legging. Also a pair of black boots.

K: "N-Noi?"

I shook his shoulder sligthly, he had a weird black backpack on.

He slowly opened his eyes. But grabbed his head.

N: "K-Kaíry?? U-ugh my head"
He looked at me, and shook his head again

N: "W-what the fuck you have on????"
I looked down at myself.

I was wearing a black TOP!!!! WHO THE, WHO DID THIS TO ME??????


Neither Noi and I could find our other clothes.

"I didn't find anything, and you?"
N: nothing

K: Great, we are stuck in nowhere and we don't have our own clothes!
N: we are so lost.

//and done for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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