Discoveries Part 1

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From this part of the story I will be narrating form the past to the present.
You won't see anything of present Kaíry or Noi.
But dont worry this will be for good

Kaíry's POV

I had just turned 14 years old and I was waiting for someone to come to my side.
As I wait nervously for this person to arrive, I think a lot about myself.

Noi doesn't know it, but I have been listening to the squid Sister's music for almost a year, is just... Their music is so majestic!! The first time I heard it was a year ago, when DJ Octavio was defeated once again by this squid known as Agent 4, she looked so fresh!
Tho obviously I couldn't say it because I would get in so much trouble for that.
DJ Octavio had just returned back to our territory, after scaping from the legendary squid beak, but he wasn't really willing to do anything since he was recovering as I was walking back mumbling some notes of the song I heard Noi rigth next to me.

"Hey Kaíry, what ya doing here? Waiting for Roy?"

"Shit..... AHEM... M-MAYBE I M-MEAN-"

Noi only smiles at me and pats my head.

"I know you like him and all, but are you sure you wanna be with someone like him? After all.... You are not exactly... Well.... Acting like a proper octarian soldier..."

Its true, even tho my dad has taught me self defense tactics, and hate again squids I can't seem to hate them..... Every time there Is a mission against squids I get so scared I can't shot at them, I think i migth be squid-phobic or something....

*sigh* "Is just.... It doesn't make sense.... I know I was so little when that happened... But i dont really seem logical that squids attacked a family of octos that were in their own territory... We didn't even were aggressive.... We were just kids.."

Noi just hugs me as I start tearing up a bit

" I know but we have to agree that squds are damn crazy"
He hugs me close in a protective big brother way.

"*sniff* Oh... Thanks Noi.... Heh isn't it funny that you act like a big brother for me even though I am older than you?"
I smile a bit giggling.

"You are only bigger for 4 months don't feel so big"
He messes my hair
"an d plus if we were talking about height you absolutely look like the younger one"

We both start laughing and he just hugs me.

R: "Oh hey Kaíry."
"Oh !!! H-hi Roy..!!!"

I can't help but blush in a soft ligth blue tone.
Roy smiles at me and just laughs a bit.

"See ya later Sis"

Noi smiles as he gets away walking slowly to our shack.
As we are both the same age, we have a shack assigned for us.
I'm not sure why tho, my sisters had told me that since I'm a girl I should be with other octarian girls.
But I think it has to be that Noi was assigned to take care of me permanently.

As I start talking to Roy, he starts guiding me to some hiding spots form the army, it was a beautiful mini camp.

"wow.... So pretty"
I said as I held thigth my necklace with one hand. The memories are flooding back, but this time I feel safe as Roy has his arms around my Waist. I really didn't feel much comfortable, but i knew he wouldnt let go of me, so i simply hoped he wouldn't do anything weird.

(He doesn't dw people)

Anyways!!! This is part 1 of who knows how many!!! Hope you like it and sorry its short. ;w; you can kill me later ~
Stay fresh!! Stay safe!!! Stay tooned!!

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