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Who is Kaíry Akiyama?
That's me, yeah, hi! Im Kaíry Akiyama, and... This is my story... Well.. Mine and my dear brother Noi!
We are both octolings and we both live together in this fresh place called Inkopolis city! Where Octos and Inklings can do Turf Wars together! Isn't it great?
My brother is A great Dynamo user! His fame was made because he is so talented with the Kensa Dynamo Roller! I'm just a random octoling who uses the Splat roller...
But still! I love it here!
Im still a bit afraid of inklings tho......
We are both 18 and it has been almost 3 years since we arrived to Inkopolis!
Woow! It has been quite a lot!
But.... We are going to start this story from thr last 2 years...

Welcome to my story!

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