First Sign

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The clock alarm sounded next to me loudly. I knew I had to wake up soon.
Still I just couldn't help but roll away from the loud noise that I had purposely put last nigth in order to wake me up.

I let the alarm sound until it went off, as I quietly try to go back to sleep.
Definetely this wasn't going to be a good day. It had been almost 12 years since that horrible day..

~Flashback ~
"mom! Can we please go and watch those pretty flowers?"
A soft and harmonious voice answered
"Of course my dear, but remember to stay close, and please don't loose sight of your sisters"

The vision is still clear for me until this day, a beautiful valley was infront of me, the blue sky with white clouds, and the great sunshine that warms our skins, the laughs of my sisters running around, chasing each other, and the smell of the beautiful flowers that were slowly and gracefully dancing to the Breeze of the wind.

A man's voice could be listened

"Kaíry! Dont walk so close to the edge!"

As I turned around to look at the man, I could notice some black and bizarre figures around the valley looking at us before pointing something at all of us.

"HANDS UP OCTOLING SCUM!" Another voice could be heard, but i wasnt able to recognise it.

K:"mom? What's going on?"

I asked as I grabbed thigthly the end of my mom's Skirt, I can still feel the soft silk in my hands as a voice says.


My mom grabbed me in her arms before giving me to my bigger sister, then mom turned around to look at the figures

M:"We are not surrending against you, inklings"

As she took out a brella my father took out a gun.
The inklings react quickly firing at us. My sisters get covered behind a tree, an enormous weeping willow with me in my older sister's arms.

My father yelled something as we could hear more shooting.
When the shooting stopped we looked at my dad who was kneeled down, holding something in his arms

"where's mom?"

My sister asks as we get close to look at the delicate and beautiful figure of my mother on my father's arms, looking like she was sleeping peacefully, in her chest there was a big stain of ink.
My dad was crying as my sisters understood what has just happened.
I only could stare at the now cold body and hugged myself close to it, closing my eyes and crying silently.

~ End of the Flashback~

"Mom... Please don't go..."
I open my eyes once again to find myself back in my bed, it was just my memory.
I turn around to look at my bedroom.
The ligth blue of the walls is now a dark grey blue as the curtains cover the sun ligth.
The room looks clean, even tho its dark, I could just feel some tears on my cheeks as I Tear them off, I touch something on my neck, the cold metal again my neck makes a shiver run down trough my spine to my feet.
That is my necklace, a golden lister that is more a Locket, here I have the last thing that belongs to me.
A picture of the woman that brought me to life.
I run my hand trough the cold metal as I think of this day.

Something that moves next to mw catches my attention, à white and black fur ball stands up and nuzzles my other hand, the soft skin brings me back to reality.

"Good morning Oreo..."

I smile at the cat as he mews something, probably wanting food, so i pick him up

"You are hungry rigth? Let's get you some food baby cat...."
And I get up from my comfortable and warm bed, with Oreo in my arms, close to my chest, his purring reminding me that maybe this day wasn't so bad at all...

//Author's Note//
🏵️: Hi! It's me, Mai! So... You provably are asking wtf why the chapter so sad Mai?????
And I sincerely don't know, but you have to know this part of the story of my bap Kaíry.
Also the cover of the book, I didn't made it, but I did draw This picture, the last one was made by a friend of twitter
Also if you want to follow me in twitter just ti see my artworks I would really appreciate it!
You can find me as @LostSquiduwu
Anyways! Don't expect me to write every day, since I'm in school atm, but i really felt inspired to do this story! So.... I hope you really like it!!!!
Also if you have any idea, opinión, criticise or suggestion please let me know!! Since English isn't my main language too.!!!
Good nigth my lovely people! 🏵️❤️
Stay fresh! Stay safe!

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