Chapter 5

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It took 2 days to get everything packed. I found it quite tiring to get everything ready, and I'd come to an agreement with Dream--I was the one that was over Tommy. If he did anything wrong again, he'd go back to exile. Tommy had happily agreed with those terms and we started building his new home right away. Fundy had helped me set my things up for us to live together. He wasn't too happy about Tommy being our neighbor, but he understood the reasoning behind it.

Once everything was set up and everyone was settled, Tommy and I said our last goodbyes to Sam. Birch was sitting atop my shoulders and I hadn't seen Wilbur in awhile. "Tommy, have you seen Wilbur?" He shook his head and continued staring forwards. I sighed and glanced upwards--almost as if I was looking for some sort of sign about him. I was pulled backward out of my trance. I turn to see Tommy staring at me as if I'd almost killed myself. I raised a brow and looked forward again. My eyes widened as I saw the looming death that had awaited me. If Tommy hadn't stopped me, I'd be no more than a splatter on the ground thousands of feet below. It was a ravine, meaning if the fall didn't kill me, the lava would've.

I hugged Tommy in reassurance that I was still there with him and heard a familiar voice. "(N/n)....?" I turned my head towards the voice and gasped. The man I'd been asking about a few minutes ago stood before me. I gently let go of my hold on Tommy and ran into Wilbur's arms. "'s okay....have some blue..." I sniffed and happily took some of the blue dye from him.

"Where were you...?" He smiled at me and pushed some of my hair behind my ear. I took that as a sign of him letting me know that he'll tell me about it later. I nodded my head and turned back to Tommy. "Ok, Toms, let's keep going to our renewed homes!!" I heard both his and Wilbur's cheers and felt Birch stir. We continued onwards as another memory overcame me.


The leaves were a lot more colorful. It was autumn again, meaning winter would only come faster. There stood a tall boy, a short boy, and a figure in the middle. The shorter boy was clinging to the figure, and it was obvious that the taller boy was holding himself back from hiding behind them too. The person gave a hard glare to an even taller male, who seemed to be guilty about something. "(Y/n)..."

"No! I don't want to hear any more of your excuses!! Wilbur, what's wrong with you? Running an open vote like that, it's only going to cause more trouble in the future." Wilbur sighed.

"I'm doing it for my son and the good of the country--"

"The good of the country? What about everyone else? I understand your concern for your son, but what about us? What about Niki, Tommy, Toby, Jack--what about me? Does our relationship mean anything to you?"

"(Y/n)--" They huff and turn around to face the shorter boy. The taller boy steps forward. "Tommy, surely you understand--" The said boy glares through his soul.

"Don't talk to my sibling like that. I don't appreciate your attitude." Wilbur's eyes widened as Tommy spoke to him in such a cold tone. He turned he glance to behind him and started to walk away. Tommy huffed and turned to (Y/n) with a sympathetic look. "It's okay, Toby and I will protect you." They sighed and shook their head.

"I should be the one protecting you two, not the other way around." Both Tommy and Toby shook their heads. (Y/n) sighed, but didn't argue any further. "Okay then, Let's head home."


The group arrived at their newfound home and was putting all of their items when loud shouts were heard. Fundy gave me an unsettled look and we both ran outside. What we saw was Dream getting into a fight with Technoblade--a man who hasn't been seen since the whole "wither incident". I felt my eyes widen and I ran over to break them up. I hear shuffling behind me and assume that someone else is coming to help me. The person, who turned out to be George, helped me pull the two apart and I wrapped my arms around Techno to calm him.

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