Greenroom XI

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"What a beautiful day," I said cheerfully as I stepped into the World of the Living with Sōsuke and Sajin at my side

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"What a beautiful day," I said cheerfully as I stepped into the World of the Living with Sōsuke and Sajin at my side. "Look at that sunrise. Absolutely gorgeous."

Indeed, what a lovely day it was for a massacre. The sun was peeking above the horizon, shining brightly as if in eager anticipation of the blood shed up ahead.

I made no move to hide my reiatsu, blatantly showing all the nearby Quincies that big bad Shinigami had entered their turf. Sōsuke and Sajin followed my lead, each keeping their reiatsu uncloaked.

"All right my lovelies, our task is simple. We need to trim the Quincies up so they stop interfering with our work. We're not looking for a genocide," I said with chirp in my voice. "If they surrender, there's no need to kill them. But I mean like if you kill them before they even get a chance to surrender who's gonna know?"

"You sound very experienced in this type of hunt, Captain," Sōsuke observed.

"Yeppers. Ah, this'll be your guys' first trip here won't it?"

Sajin nodded, sniffing the air. "It has a different taste and smell to it than what I expected."

Sōsuke assessed the dirt roads around us, a hint of disdain in his eyes. "The World of the Living is... not as advanced as I thought it would be."

"Yeah... they don't have plumbing yet so, uh, be careful where you step. There's a genuine chance you'll be stepping in human shit."

At that, Sōsuke did wince. "How... fascinating."

"You can call it gross, So-So. I won't think less of you," I chuckled. "It's okay to admit something is bothering ya."

Sōsuke inclined his head. "As you say, Captain."

Sajin hoisted his zanpakutō. "Ah. Looks we like we have company."

I raised my zanpakutō, using the sheathe to deflect the first arrow shot at me.

"Ara, ara," I said, smiling with coy malice. "Look, already a dozen Quincies."

Below us, dressed in white, was a group of Quincies. The one who shot the arrow at me snarled, "Begone, Shinigami!"

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