Greenroom VII

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It took Shiori a decade to find the boys after being repeatedly sent back into the past in the Quincy-exclusive dimension.

So, I entered a time-stopped limbo and prepared to spend a few centuries bonding with Jugram and Bazz. I made sure to dress myself in a simple dress a village girl might wear as to not immediately alert them I was an old soul posing as Shinigami posing as a Quincy.

Were they considered Quincies or pre-Quincies by that point? I didn't remember.

Give me a break, it had been—it had been—it had been so long ago that I first watched the story. I lost count of how much time had passed, and while I had tricks up my sleeve to remember some stuff it was only the broad strokes. I certainly couldn't tell you the minor details. I didn't even remember Ichigo's mom's name.

Shiori fluttered into existence around Jugram first, and then she opened our soul bond connection. She created an illusion of myself there, and an illusion of Jugram and the surrounding environment where I was in the pocket dimension.

A lot like a holoprojection or VR-interaction, but real enough that it was doubtful anyone would know the wiser. I couldn't physically interact with the world there. Hopefully, that wouldn't be too much of an issue.

She had apparently found Jugram in a quiet forest. We were at a small clearing with grass that stretched up past my waist and waved gently in the wind. The sun was above us, but it was starting to set which told me it was late afternoon or early evening.

Jugram jumped when I stepped out from behind the trees. He was maybe seven, and he clutched nervously at his bow and arrow.

"Hello, dear," I said, keeping my voice low and soothing. "Out hunting?"

"Who are you?" he warily asked.

"I'm Rirī," I introduced myself. "I'm a traveler."

The small, frail, blond boy shifted away from me, his blue eyes assessing me. My own form was small, and likely looked dainty. He must have decided I wasn't a threat because he relaxed after another minute.

"I'm Jugram Haschwalth," Jugram introduced himself. "I need to get back to hunting, so if you'll excuse me—"

"Want help?" I offered. "I'm very good at finding things."

"I—" Jugram fiddled with the bow. "If you... if you can find a rabbit or deer soon, then okay."

Shiori fluttered in front of me. The butterfly had excellent senses when it came to finding souls or living creatures.

"This is my familiar, Shiori," I introduced to the boy. "We just have to follow her."

Jugram was mesmerized by how pretty Shiori was and I couldn't blame him. She was a translucent butterfly whose wings dusted with ice that fell in the light like drops of rainbow. Shiori gracefully flew ahead of us and Jugram and I followed behind her.

As we walked, I quietly corrected Jugram's stance, telling him to keep his weight spread out more. He forgot several times, but he was able to keep his footsteps quiet enough that we could approach a deer.

His eyes were wide when he saw the deer and he immediately started to draw his bow.

"Ease up on your grip," I whispered to him. "A little higher, careful now. Hold it further away from your cheek, don't want to get cut. There, pull back now—"

He released the bow he had drawn and it landed straight through the deer's neck. He gasped in surprise, elation lighting up his face. "I did it! I did it!"

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