ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞

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As I walk home I can't help but feel as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Althought I do still feel a little guilty of having yelled at Kenzi like that, I do feel like those words, those feelings that were once inside me have been let loose. I have carried them around for years but now that I got to tell her how I felt they are no longer there. 

I am still crying though, tears stream down my cheeks like rivers. They just can't seem to stop. 

Finally I reach my house, the brown shingles and gabled roof have never felt more inviting. Relief floods through me as I hurry up the steps. I unlock the door with shaky hands and am about to go in when I hear a voice call my name.

"Genevieve, wait!" 

I stop short, but it's not Alex. I would know his voice anywhere. It's not Kenzi, or Victoria or Sadie either. Slowly I turn aronud to face my pursuer. My heart squeezes when I see Miguel standing there, his face full of concern. 

"Miguel," I whisper. "Why-" 

He runs a hand through his dark hair and bites his lip.

"Gigi, I- i just, I need to apologize," He says finally. 

"Look Miguel, this is just not really a good time," I say. I am already exhuasted and I feel like I can't deal with much more today, especially Miguel. 

"I know, but I'm really sorry that I embarrased you the other day, and I just-" He pauses for a second searching for the right word. "Gigi, I want you in my life." 

My breath hitches as I stare at him and I am reminded of all those times we spent together. It was just last weekend but it feels like ages ago. 

"You do?" I can't help asking. 

He nods. 

My heart picks up speed and I sit down on the top step of my porch. He slowly makes his way up and sits next to me. 

"Even as a friend," Miguel says quietly. I look up at him.

"You know, I think that's what I need right now," I say. "Just a friend." 

Miguel smiles "okay," He tells me. "that can happen." 

I give him a small smile in return and stare down at my hands 

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks suddenly. 


"I've known you for a while," 

"What, what do you mean?" I ask, thoroughly confused. 

"Let's just say that even if you didn't notice me I noticed you," He says softly.

"You did?" 

He nods blushing slightly. 

"But I'm not-" Popular, I don't say it but I can tell he knows what I mean. 

"You don't have to be popular for me to like you," Miguel says  

I don't say anything and instead scooch closer to him. He takes the hint and wrapes his arms around me pulling me towards him. I rest my head on his chest and can feel his heart beating quickly beneath his ribs. 

I close my eyes and let the rythmn sooth me. Breathing in and out I calm my mind and all the thoughts and emotions that have been swirling around in my head dissapeared as I lie there, curled up against Miguel's warm body. 

I don't know how much time has passed, but before I know it Miguel is rubbing my back.

"It's late, you should go inside," he says quietly. 

"Mhh?" I mumbled opening my eyes.

"Here, I'll help you." Together we walked towards the door of my house where he let go of me as I opened it and went inside. Before fully closing the door I turn back.

"Good Night Miguel," i whisper into the night.

"'Night Gigi,"  He whispers back.

I close the door with a soft click and make my way towards my bed. I draw back the covers, climb in and before I know I have fallen fast asleep. 

A/n: ahhhhh this chapter took a couple of days since I have been in school and I try to write after I have finished all my homework (which is alot) but anyway hope you liked it and next chapter is coming sooon ❤❤❤❤

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