ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠

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The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Miguel told me earlier. I think about it while I eat, while we explore, while we chill, while we drink, or rather while they drink and I watch. It puzzles me why Sadie didn't just tell us the truth. In the end I conclude that it was probably because she was embarrassed. I mean who wouldn't be.

It's dark. The stars are already appearing across the sky. It is easier to see them from here. I scan the sky and look for my favorite constellations. I see Andromeda next to Cassiopeia glowing brightly. Andromeda is my favorite constellation. I love her story. How she was chained to the rock and sacrificed to the gods but then Perseus found her and fell in love. He saved her and they got married. Sometimes I wish a Perseus would come and save me. Free me from the chains of love. However my life is not a myth or a story.

Kenzi's sharp voice cuts through my daydreams and I lower my eyes to the group of us who are sitting around a blazing fire.

"We should play spin the bottle!" Kenzi declares like it is the best idea ever. I stop short, wait, Spin in the Bottle? That is a game you play in seventh grade, not in high school. 

"Spin the Bottle?" Alex says incredulous, obviously thinking the same thing as I am.

"Yes! It will be fun babe, pweese!" Kenzi sticks out her lower lip and gives Alex miserable puppy eyes. Oh god. Finally Alex obliges and just like that we are playing a stupid seventh grade game. 

We gather in a circle next to the fire and place a beer bottle in the center. I cannot believe that this is happening. I don't want to play, but if I refuse then I'll seem like a scaredy cat. And to make matters worse Kenzi gets the worst idea in the history of worse ideas.

"Gigi! You should start!" She proposes. I choke.


"Spin the Bottle." Everyone has their eyes on me and I know that there is no backing down. At least I can get it over with fast. I stretch out my shaking hand and quickly give the bottle a spin. I don't look at anyone, focusing my eyes on the rapidly spinning bottle until it slows down and comes to a stop. I follow the neck of the bottle upwards to-BYRON! Shit, no, no, no. Of all people I landed on Byron. Next to me Victoria gives out a small oof! Byron on the other hand lets out a gleeful laugh.

"Looks like I get to kiss Kenzi's little friend!" he chuckles. On my other side I hear Miguel make a sound deep in his throat. I ignore it all and pretend that I don't give two shits. Without making eye contact with anyone I scooch into the middle of the circle and focus my attention on Byron's stupid face.

"I'm the one who is gonna kiss you idiot," I mumble before quickly touching my lips to his and then pulling back absolutely revolted. Byron pretends to groan and everyone laughs. Well not everyone but most people. I sit back down blushing and pass the bottle to Miguel.

The Shattered Pieces of my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now