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Earth gazes at his babies playing in the king-sized bed surrounded by pillows to protect them from falling. It's been two weeks since Kao took them to his grandmother's house, and it's also been a tiring week since then. He looked down at his hands that were holding a picture storybook that he read for his twins.

He can't forget how Kao's grandmother treated him, and his baby boy was. She said, as an omega, they can dilute the air and dirty it, so both of them need to stay in their room, and of course, she said that when Kao wasn't around. She basically forbade Earth and Alzure from going out of the room when Kao was out of the house.

Earth hasn't told his husband because the alpha was so busy with work that he rarely has time for his family. It was like the elder had planned to make Kao oblivious to her treatment of Earth and Alzure.

Knock Knock

"Excuse me, I'm here to bring the young lady Elhara."

Earth sighed. It was probably a maid that was assigned by Kao's grandmother to take Elhara to meet the elderly, "Come in."

"Pardon me, then," the maid entered and carefully took Elhara in her arms and then left Earth, who looked sadly at his son on the bed.

He took Alzure into his arms and caressed his son's head, "She was missing out on the most wonderful baby boy in the world. Don't worry, Al, someday she will realize just how adorable you are."

Alzure only giggled in his papa's arms while munching on his teething toys.

Every day when Kao wasn't around, his grandmother would order a maid to take Elhara to her. Earth wasn't about to deny his daughter's time with her great-grandmother, but he just wished that Alzure could also experience some time with the elder.

A few hours just passed. Earth has just finished fed Alzure his milk, and it should be Elhara's time to be fed. After making sure that Alzure was asleep on the bed, he put pillows and bolsters around the baby to secure him from falling.

Earth then strolled to where his baby girl was because he knew that his daughter must have been starving just as much as her brother was.

"Excuse me, and it has already passed Elhara's fed time," Earth softly said from the doorway. At the mention of her name by her papa's voice, Elhara squealed on the baby hammock beside her great-grandmother.

Earth was startled to be glared at as soon as he started saying something.

"You don't need to come here for her fed time, and I'll assign an exclusive maid to take care of her needs. All you need to do is give the maid Elhara's milk, now begone."

Earth gritted his teeth, he doesn't want to make a scene, but it's his daughter.

"I'm sorry, but I won't allow another stranger to take care of my babies' needs any more than this. I was the one who gave birth to her, and I don't need anyone else to take my role as her papa," Earth said, his eyes were glazing with fire in them as if to dare anyone to oppose him.

The elder narrowed her eyes to Earth's rigid form in the doorway. She was about to say something, but Earth confidently walked inside the room and went to retrieve his daughter from the hammock.

"We will take our leave now, excuse me," said Earth, holding Elhara in his arms and then leave the flabbergasted elder in her wake.

Later on that night, Kao entered their bedroom, all tired from being away all day to attend meetings. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, observing his babies sleeping on the bed, his mate nowhere in sight.

Not long after that, Earth came out from the bathroom, still with the bathrobe on. The omega yet hasn't realized that his husband had come back as he was busy rummaging through the clothes inside the carrier that they brought here.

"Why didn't you join dinner, Earth?"

Earth was startled when he heard his husband's voice. He stopped his movement when he realized Kao's serious tone and the way his alpha called him by his name instead of the usual pet calling, "I didn't realize it was already this late. I'm sorry I didn't welcome you at the door, Kao."

Kao sighed and looked at his mate intently, "Why didn't you say it?"

Earth furrowed his eyebrows; he was confused.

"Why didn't you say that you hate being here instead of secluding yourself from my grandmother?" Kao was looking at his mate with a stony expression.

"I...I like it here, Kao. I didn't seclude-"

"As long as you like it here. I'm sorry I've startled you, baby. I will take a bath first, then let's eat dinner together."

Kao left Earth standing in silence.

Earth was about to tell his alpha that he was forbidden to go out of his room than necessary. Kao's grandmother's words were, 'I don't want you to dirty the air, so just quietly stay in your room unless my grandson asks you out' and it wasn't just him; it also applies to their baby boy.

Earth looked to where his babies were starting to doze off, and a tear running down from his eyes when he saw Alzure, "I'm so sorry, baby Al. I'll try to get your great-grandmother to love you as she does to El. It's okay if she hates me for being an omega, but you're also from her blood... I'm sure that one day she will love you as much as she loves your sister."

It's been like this since day one they came here. Kao would be busy helping his grandmother's business, and he rarely had time for them. That was why Kao doesn't know that his grandmother actually despised Earth's presence because he was an omega that had dared to lay his hands onto her lovely grandson.

Then, because Alzure was also an omega, they would be left alone when Kao wasn't here.

"I have to endure it. I can't let her win with this omega nonsense that she had in her head. We can get through it together, baby."

That was Earth resolution. He needs to be patient, and he was determined to make Kao's grandmother accept her great-grandson because he doesn't require her approval. He only wished for his son to be accepted by his great-grandmother; anything else about him he could accept.

to be continue

I'm trying to update this story every day as I did for Book I of Fated the series. Thank you for reading. See you next time!

Written and updated on 7th of January,


Fated to be Forever // KAOEARTH OMEGAVERSE AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora