Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm ringing and sun in my eyes

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I woke up to my alarm ringing and sun in my eyes. I looked around and was a little disoriented until I came back to reality and remembered where I was and what happened last night.

I got up and went into the bathroom to get ready. It was nice having my own bathroom. I got dressed and threw on a Led Zeppelin shirt that I turned into a crop top and some acid-washed jeans. I walked downstairs and noticed my dad sitting at the table drinking his coffee and looking over a case file. "Morning'' I said and kissed his cheek.

"Are you ready for your first day of school?" he asked as I popped some bread in the toaster.

"I guess, we'll see how I adjust to the California lifestyle," I said putting on my sunglasses pretending to be a surfer. My dad just laughed a little and I made my toast and ate it at the counter.

I heard a honk outside and realized Ali and her friends were outside waiting for me. "Ok, dad I gotta go, love you," I said leaving.


We arrived at the school and looked around at my new school. I could tell the jocks from the nerds from all the other stereotypical high school social groups. That was until I saw a recognized biker gang from last night. 'Oh great' I thought to myself and kept walking not wanting any trouble on the first day. "I'm gonna go to the guidance counselor's office to get my locker and my schedule, '' I said telling the girls and they waved bye.

As I was trying to find the office through the maze of a school, I recognized someone, it was Daniel. "Hey, Daniel!" I shouted and he looked back with his sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Oh, hey, Lisa right?" he asked and I nodded

"Yeah hey how's the shiner underneath there," I said pointing to his eyes.

"Wait how did you know?" he said, taking the sunglasses off to reveal his black eye.

"I've been in my fair share of fights," I said, checking out his eye "where you headed off to?" I asked.

"Guidance counselor, to get my schedule and all that," he said

"No way me too," I said

"Wait, you're new?" he asked in a confused tone

"Sort of you see my dad lives here but I'm actually from Canada. I used to spend my summers here. That's how I know Ali" I said as we walked through the busy hallways.

"So how come you came here?" he asked

"Another story for another time," I said as we came up to the office.

"Hi, I'm Lisa Anderson and I need my locker and schedule," I said in a polite tone. The lady at the office started digging through the files.

"You're taking french, is that correct?" she asked looking over my schedule.

"Yup that's me" she then handed me everything I needed including some of my books and I walked off to find my locker. I found my first class which was biology and walked in.

"Okay class we have a new student," oh god I hate this, I just brought my sunglasses down to look at everyone "Lisa Anderson, you can go sit beside Mr. Lawrence" three words for you, kill. Me. Now. The big dummy just smirked at me as I sat beside him. We started our labs and I started looking over at what we had to do. I felt a pair of eyes on me and turned to see it was Johnny's "what do you want?" I said, sighing.

"Nothing I'm just trying to do the work that's all," he said with a smirk on his face.

"Ok well since I have this funny feeling that you aren't going to do jack shit so, I'll answer the questions and you can look around at frog guts, do you think you can handle that big guy?" he stood there dumbfounded

"Why are you being such a bitch?" he said with a disgusted face but once he caught the anger in my face his disgust turned into a smug look, the same look on his stupid face at the beach last night.

"What did you just call me?" I dare him to say again, I'm about to lose it.

"I said why are you being such a bitch?" he says, which causes me to swing, gathering the attention of the rest of the class including the teacher. I make contact with his jaw but before I can swing again someones holding me back and Johnny starts laughing.

"Miss Anderson principal's office now!" she yells, great barely made it 20 minutes on my first day and I'm already being sent to the office. I huff in anger and walk back to the office I was just in.


"Miss Anderson we do not tolerate this behavior at All Valley highschool" the principal lectures as we're waiting for my father to show up, "and it says here you moved from Canada '' he says looking at my file.

"Yes sir"

"Well I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice" he laughs, I just make the fakest smile I could.

"Don't quit your day job" I say under my breath, as this man is not funny whatsoever.

"What was that," he said

"Nothing" my father barges into the room and I avoid eye contact at all cost, not wanting to face the wrath of Larry Anderson. I'm sent out to wait in the little waiting room area in the reception office. To help this dreadful time pass by I put my headphones in and listen to my walkman and start to tap my feet to the music. Ali walks into the office and comes in with some books and looks over at me

"Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked, coming to sit beside me.

"Johnny happened," I said in a frustrated tone

"Ughh I hate him, I'm gonna kill him" she angers

"Woah, easy tiger, I punched him after he called me a bitch" I laugh and say almost in a proud tone because, to be honest, I am a little proud. I explained to her what happened and that my dad was in the office with the principal right now.

"Well, we'll talk more at lunch, if you make it," she says and we both laugh. My dad walks out of the office and he and the principal shake hands and my dad walks over to me. We both walk out into the hallway and I wait for him to lose it.

"Lisa Elizabeth Anderson, you are so lucky that I'm a good negotiator, you have detention for a week after school and you will be expected to come home straight after that, do you hear me?"

"I hear you loud and clear but," I say using my own negotiating skills "can you first let me explain my side of the story" he stands there debating whether or not he should let me say anything "there's a little saying I think you might know, it goes 'innocent until proven guilty'" he just laughs and waves his hand to let me explain myself "I only punched him because called me a bitch first," I said in a matter-of-factly tone "therefore giving me somewhat reasonable grounds to respond with physical contact" I say using lawyer lingo.

He simply sighs and his shoulders drop "fine, you can still hang out with friends but I'm warning you something like this happens again and you will be facing serious consequences, capiche"

"Capiche" the bell rings and students start to flood the hot hallway and my dad gets into his BMW and I head to my locker to get my things for my next class.

A/n: hey y'all hope you are enjoying the story

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