Chapter 5

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We arrive at Golf and stuff, the sound of screams of fun and video games fill my ears and nostalgia flow over me

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We arrive at Golf and stuff, the sound of screams of fun and video games fill my ears and nostalgia flow over me. We walked in and bought our tickets and headed for the games. "So guess who gave me a lift home after detention," I say while we play air hockey.

"Who?" Ali asked

"Johnny." was all I said, her face gave me a weird and confused look. This distracted her just long enough for me to score a point.

"What? Really?" she asked, wanting more info.

"Yah and told me that he was sorry about today and crap like that," I said " and then he offered me a ride home to make up for what he did" I explained as we went to go buy some popcorn.

"He apologized?" Ali asked shocked

"Exactly that's what I said" we walked to a table to keep gossiping

"Maybe he likes you" Ali suggested

"WHAT? No way, he still hung up on you" I reminded her

"Maybe not, he's your problem now," she said we both laughed. But then speak of the devil but the Cobra Kai gang show up and start looking around.

"See, he's stalking you now" Ali suggested

"Or you?" I say and we both laugh and look over to them, but unfortunately, they notice and we both start to scurry off to find a game to play that will hopefully hide us from them.

"Hey Ali, hey Lisa," Johnny says as he and the boys crowd us.

"Hi." Ali and I say in a flat tone, not giving them any attention.

"You guys want to play some games together?" one of the boys from the gang said

"No Dutch" was all Ali said and we walked away but they kept following us.

"Wait, what if we make you girls a deal?" Johnny suggested

"I'm listening" was all I said but Ali didn't want to listen

"Let's play 3 games of air hockey, If you win we'll leave you girls alone," Oh game on "But if I win, Lisa you have to go on a date with me" Son of a bitch. Ali and I looked at each other.

"Let me and my partner deliberate"  was all I said and Ali and I faced the other way. I looked over my shoulder to see Johnny telling the boys this was gonna be a piece of cake. Little does he know...


We start the game and I start to play the game, I play dumb mind you and play the worst game I've ever played.  Oh, this boy is in for it. "Ugh I suck at this game," I said as I let him score another point. Johnny just looks up at me and smirks. We keep passing the puck back and forth until he scores the winning point. The guys all cheer for Johnny but Ali and I just smirk at each other.

"Alright game 2," I said, throwing my hair in a ponytail and we started to play. I shot the puck so fast that Johnny was too afraid to block it. He looked up at me and gave this devilish smirk he gave me earlier. We play back and forth until I finally squash johnny. "Game 3" was all I said and I could see the frustration come on Johnny's face.

Ali cheered me on every time I scored, causing the boys to encourage Johnny more. We were down to 6 to 5 and all I needed was one point to win the game and ultimately winning the deal. I shoot the last one and it slides smoothly into the slot. I look up to see the boys deflate.

I walked over to johnny and looked him in the eyes and said "you, my friend, just got hustled" Ali high-fived me "now have a good evening gentlemen" I waved.

"Oh, shoot did I forget to mention that Lisa's from Canada, you know where they live and breath hockey," Ali said which made the boys all curse themselves. Ali and I walked out and started to die laughing. "You should've seen their faces!" Ali giggled

"I wish I had a camera!" I laughed. We got a lift from Ali's dad and headed home. That should teach those boys a lesson.

A/N: hey guys I know this is a shorter chapter but I guess it has a little more going on

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