Chapter 11

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Yesterday was the day that Johnny and I almost kissed

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Yesterday was the day that Johnny and I almost kissed. I looked at myself in the mirror and looked at my tired face but I kept replaying what happened last night over in my head. But I still had to get ready for school. This was going to be so awkward. Like what am I supposed to say?

"Hey Johnny, remember when we almost kissed and then your mom barged in? Yeah fun times"

I got ready and went downstairs to meet my dad. "Hey Dad," I said sitting down

"Good morning honey"

"Hey so you know my birthday is coming up and you'll be out of town, so can I have some people over?" I said making sure not to use 'party'

"I suppose," he said. Yesss!

We continued to have our little morning chat but all I could think about was last night. God I really liked Johnny, he was sometimes a dick but I liked the way that he still cared for me. I didn't expect him to pick me up today because of last nights awkward events, so I had to be ready for the bus.

I grabbed my bag, sunglasses, and walkman and left. The bus was loud and busy, but I just turned up the volume on my music. We arrived at the school and I got butterflies in my stomach because I honestly didn't know what to expect from Johnny. Did he tell the guys? Does he actually like me or is it to just get over Ali?

I got off the bus and went straight to my locker, I heard a distant "Hey Lisa" but I just kept walking. I had English this morning with Daniel so I knew I wouldn't be alone. I walked into the busy classroom and sat down beside Daniel. But I noticed a huge bandage on his forehead.

"What happened?!" I asked worried

"It's not that bad" he tried

"Who did this?" I pushed but he didn't answer, which told me everything I needed to know. Johnny's dead.

"Alright class we're going to start on chapter 3 of the outsiders." the teachers announced to the class. He's a dead man.


I was itching for the class to end, so I could 'talk' to Johnny.

"Please Lisa, just leave it be I don't want this any worse" Daniel begged, but it wasn't gonna work.

"Daniel, what they did to you, is not ok and nobody else stands up to them so I will." It was true those boys got away with a lot of shit because of the fear they gave people but they didn't scare me. The loud bell rang and I jumped out of my seat and stormed out of the class.   

I got tunnel vision, pushing everyone out of my way, but eventually, they all scurried out of my path. "Watch out firecracker coming!" people yelled in the halls, I guess that was my new nickname.

Then I caught sight of Johnny and his gang at his locker laughing at probably something stupid. Then Tommy noticed me and told Johnny. "Oh hey, Lisa-" he said then he realized I wasn't here to be buddies with him. I slapped him across the face and everyone in the hallway oohed. "What the hell?!" he asked shocked.

"Don't 'what the hell' me! What you did to Daniel is what. Are you crazy? You could've killed him! You ever do something stupid like that again Johnny Lawrence, you'll be sorry! All of you will be!" I say pointing to the other guys.

I freshman stood there staring at Johnny and the guys, "What are you looking at punk?" Johnny said pretending to go at him so he would flinch and run away. 

I was not letting him get away with what he did, not a chance. But of course, I have biology with him today. But now I have math.


Lunch rolled around and people stayed away from me as much as possible. I looked around at the cafeteria, I definitely wasn't going to sit with the boys but I saw Daniel and Ali, so I sat with them.

"Hey guys," I said placing my tray down on the table

"Hey Lis," Ali said with a welcoming smile. I sat down but Daniel avoided eye contact with me.

"Hey Daniel, I'm sorry but I only did because I care and I don't want you to get hurt again," I said sincerely.

"Thanks, "he said

"Plus you should've seen the look on his face," Ali said laughing and then Daniel started laughing as well. But I looked over at Johnny and he gave me a sad look. Alright, I admit I did feel a little bad, but what he did to Daniel was reckless. I looked away to avoid his stare.

"I'm having a party Friday night for my birthday, you guys should come," I said hoping to change the topic.

"Oh my god, I'm coming and I'll help you plan if you want," Ali asked

"Yes, Daniel what about you?" I asked as he pondered on the idea.

"Yeah but I have to ask my mom cause of her busy work schedule," he said

"Alright, Larusso is in" I cheered.


I walked into biology to be met with puppy dog eyes of Johnny. I had no other choice to sit beside him. But I didn't make eye contact with him.

"Come' on Lisa, I'm sorry" he whispered as the teacher started the lesson. But I just kept taking my notes. The little voice in my head kept saying 'just forgive him' but I was going to stand my ground. "Will you please let me explain" he begged but I kept my looking straight. "Well then can we at least talk about last night?" he whispered and my body tensed up.

"Johnny just give me leave me alone right now," I said and he just looked at me with the same sad look, but this time I noticed the red handprint on the side of his face. Guilt started coursing through my veins, I didn't mean to hurt him that bad.

The class continued and we both didn't talk to each other.


I took the bus home with Ali and we talked about the party and what we were gonna wear. But once we finally got to our stop I thought that I should tell her what happened with me and Johnny last night because I was dying to tell someone but I couldn't tell Barb because she would tell everyone which only left Ali.

"I need to tell you something," I said as I welcomed her into my empty house

"What's up, is everything ok?" she asked, worried

"Uhm, Johnny and I almost kissed last night," I said

"What? What do you mean almost?" she asked

"Well, his parents walked in." I said "And it was so awkward after that" I continued to tell her what happened last night but making sure to leave out the part where Johnny and I talked about Ali, to keep my promise.

"Well do you like him?" she asked

"Yes but no" I laughed

"I mean he can be an ass and he does stuff like what happened with Daniel but, he cares for me and he makes me laugh and is a gentleman" I rambled " And his eyes! Don't get me started on those baby blues!" I said and Ali just Laughed at me.

"Well it seems like the pros weigh out the cons," she said and she did have a point. "I do agree he has an awful temper but he seems to really like you," she said

Did he?

"Anyway I have to head home but I'll talk to you later," she said leaving.

"See you tomorrow," I said, giving her a hug bye.


I lied in my bed looking up at the ceiling. Should I forgive Johnny? After talking with Ali I realized how much I really liked him and I'm not gonna lie I was disappointed when his parents walked in. But why does he have to be such a dick?

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying this story, if you have any suggestions pls lemme know ;)

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