Chapter 4

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The bell rang signalling for everyone that the long day was done

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The bell rang signalling for everyone that the long day was done. I met up with Ali and daniel as they seemed to be my closest friends so far, not gonna lie it's pretty pathetic since I've only really known Daniel for a day. We walk out to the parking lot where people are hanging out waiting for their buses or friends. That's when I spot the duche squad "oh you, have got to be kidding me?" I say

"What? " Daniel asks and then notices where I'm looking. Start to notice his skin crawl from how uncomfortable he is "uh actually I forgot something, I'll catch up with you guys later"

"You can't just run away from your problems daniel" Ali lectures but Daniel is already pushing his way through the crowd but still manages to say that he isn't running away. This causes me to laugh, I look down at my watch and realize that I have 10 minutes until after school detention starts.

"Hey, I have 10 minutes left until my eternal doom starts," I say to Ali which causes her to just laugh. We continue walking over to her bus and we pass by the Cobra Kais turning my head the other way in hopes that they wouldn't notice me. But you know what they say "hope for the best but expect the worst" well I got the worst.

"Hey look it's the firecracker" one of the guys, I stopped dead in my tracks and had my back faced to them

"Come on Lisa they aren't worth it, you already have a week of detention" Ali reminds me, I take a deep breath and keep walking

"Hey, hot stuff you want a lift home?" Johnny drives up beside his gang around, I clench my fists but I can't hold in my rage any longer.

"Fat chance bucko, in case you haven't caught the major hint, read my lips 'I don't like you''' I say over annunciating my last words. "And on top of that, I have a week of after school detention because of that big mouth of yours'' I say and notice how close I've gotten to him. But his friends just laughed but I said goodbye to Ali and went to go look for the room where detention was.


I grabbed the skateboard that my dad's assistant dropped off earlier so I had some form of a way home. But the familiar blond was standing outside leaning on his bike. 'What does he want now' I mumble to myself. Threw my headphones on and started skating away.

"Hey!" I hear over my music so I stop to see who is yelling at me, only to be disappointed with Johnny next to me on his bike.

"Okay, johnny it's enough ok?" I say holding my board in one hand and my other on my hip.

"Hey, listen I just wanted to apologize for earlier today," he said as I stood there in shock

"Are you feeling ok?" I ask and his face develops a confused look.

"What?" he asks

"Well Johnny you don't exactly strike me as the apologetic type that's all," I said innocently

"Ha ha very funny," he said in a monotone tone "Now do you wanna ride home?"

But I just give him a skeptical look, "what's the catch" I ask, not playing into his all 'sweet and innocent' act.

"Gee I was just trying to be nice that's all," he said in what almost sounded like an offended tone.

"Fine," I said, looping my skateboard through my backpack and hopping on the back of the expensive bike and he zooms on forcing me to hold onto him. But I hear his smug little laugh that forces me to roll my eyes.


We arrive at my house and I get off the bike but notice Johnny staring at the house next to mine. "We were best friends when we were younger, we used to play together all the time when I would visit," I said and caught him off guard

"Cool." was all he said

"Well thanks for the ride but don't think that this brings you into my good graces," I said and all he did was laugh.

"No problem!" he yelled as I was at my door

" And I guess I'm sorry for punching you in the face!" I yell and he laughs and drives away.

I headed inside to be welcomed to an empty house, I walked to the kitchen to get a snack and grab the house phone and dial Ali's phone number.

"Hello?" Mrs. Mills picks up

"Oh, hi Mrs. Mills, may I speak to Ali?"

"Sure dear" she responds and I wait for Ali to pick up the phone

"Hello?" I hear my childhood best friend pick up the phone

"Hey, it's me, what are you doing tonight?" I ask, hoping that she'll save me from what looks like it will be a boring night.

"Golf and stuff?" she suggests. Funny enough I used to love going there as a kid, my dad and I would go every so often together.

"Yes please"

A/N: hey guys more Johnny content coming up! How do you like Lisa so far?

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