Chapter 8

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Y/N's point of view

"Hey, I'm ready whenever you are."
"Meet you at the van dork."

We both meet at the van.
Seems he decided to dress up too, he had on some smuded eyeliner. He looked really nice in it.
"You excited?"

"Obviously! It's going to be so much fun!" I said practically bouncing up and down

He smiled "That's why we are going nerd. Now get in, we gotta get a good spot."

The place the show was going to take place in was outside of town so it was going to a bit of time to get to.

About half way there over the music I mentioned, "I like your eyeliner, it looks really cool."

He took a second to respond, "Yeah, it has to match how awesome i am!" He didn't seem too pleased with his response.
"Um... you know the people we are seeing tonight? They actually popped up around the same time my band did." He said, i think trying to change the subject.

"That's cool." I respond "So they kind of were like your competition then."

"I mean not really originally we had extremely different sounds and we still mostly do."

"And Loded Diper is obviously much better"

He laughed "Obviously! Im in it."

Soon we were outside of town.
"It should be the next right" he said

We saw the car parking area and pulled in. There were about maybe 20 cars already.

We both got out of the car.

"Ready?" he asked me

"Yep." I said taking a deep breath.

"Let's go then!" He said excitedly grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the entrance. I felt nervous but excited. It was going to be my first show since moving. It will be weird going somewhere without my old friends but I am going to be hanging with Rodrick. I'm so glad I have him and CC, otherwise i don't know what I would do.

"Next!" I was pulled out of my thoughts. Rodrick handed the man the entrance money needed and we both got neon green bracelets put on our wrists. We stepped forward up to the building the concert would be in. It was an old barn.

"A lot of bands play here, some old guy rents out the barn to bands so he can make some easy money" Rodrick said catching me staring at the barn.

"Smart on his part"

"Yep" he responded People walked past us.

"Ready to go inside Y/N?"

"I guess" i said looking up at him with a smile.

We stepped inside together.
Short chapter this time, I thought it would be nice to have every once and a while.
Anyway reader, I hope you are having a good day <3

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