Chapter 2. high school hell

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As I'm walking to school I came across my two best friends Jaden and Sam before I know it I ran up to them and say "Hey guys" which scared Sam a little and made Jaden growl and say "Never scare my mate again" as he starts to kiss sam on her forehead

I then said "Sorry man I didn't mean to" As we all start to laugh Sam started to talk about how much she loved Jaden which only made me want a mate, someone who loves me and cares about me someone to hold and cherish and love god I wish I could just leave here and find her I was brought back from my thoughts when Sam started to talk about a visitor that was supposed to be coming here in a day or two I said, "why are they coming to our pack?"

"I heard that they are an alpha female and shes coming here to find her mate," Sam said "Yeah I heard this is the only pack in the country that she hasn't searched yet" Jaden added which for some reason made my wolf restless anxious and on edge, Sam then started to talk about summer break tomorrow but I wasn't paying much attention to her.

Time skip

We made it to school right as the bell rang we all said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways to our classes my first class was English I usually have a great time in this class but not today. My next class was math class with Jayson god I just know he's gonna hit me again but I wasn't right this time, to my surprise he was by his locker kissing the pack slut Emma and growling at everyone and screaming "MINE " so I'm guessing she's his mate I guess its a good thing because Now she will stop trying to get me to sleep with her I hate when she throws herself at me when I always tell her I'm waiting for my mate.

I was too deep in my thoughts to see where I was going until I ran into beta Nick I hit the floor with a thud as I felt the pain from my beating from earlier come right back but I didn't show I was hurt  "Sorry beta I wasn't looking where I was going " I said as I was getting prepared for yet another beating but it never came all he said is " its fine cole it's not a big deal just be more careful next time" and he started to smile at me and he helped me up and I didn't know what to say or do so I just smiled back and walked away.

Time skip again :)

Finally, school ended and I was free from my second hell and I had to admit today was not as bad as I thought it would be. I had fun today and I'm looking forward to hanging out with Sam and Jaden speaking of Sam and Jaden where are they? We were supposed to meet in front of the school after the bell rang but I don't see them I should go look for them just as I was about to go look for them I see them running to me "Sorry we're late we got caught up" and I said, "its fine so what do you guys wanna do?" Jaden suggested we go to the training field and train a little Sam and I both said"yes " at the same time which made Jaden start to laugh Sam and I are very competitive and we are both good at combat because Jayden is the strongest and best fighter in the pack aside from alpha Jason and beta Nick so he's been training me and Sam for a few months now and I've been getting better and better at fighting in both my human and wolf form.

As we walk to the training field Jaden places a kiss on Sam's forehead and I jokingly gag Jaden turns to me with an evil grin and said, "Oh shut up you little shit now you're gonna get it." Hearing him say that I dash to the center of the field as he chased after me. With a playful laugh, he tackled me to the ground and said "Got ya you little shit " and we both started to laugh then he helped me up and said "Alright you guys ready " Sam and I both said "Yes" then Jayden said "ok let's begin Cole you first" after he said that Sam had a playful sad face and said "I see how it is you would rather train with you're boyfriend instead of me because your scared I'll kick your ass "then Jaden said, "Yeah because I know you'll beat my ass that's why I'm training with Cole first, so I could kick his ass and still have the energy to get my butt kicked by the most beautiful woman in the world" After he said that I started to cringe then I said, " First of all fuck you second of all I'm gonna beat your ass".

Then he started to laugh "Oh yeah I'd like to see you try! " And then we both started to fight I threw the first punch and I didn't miss so he stumbled backward and had a look on his face that screamed oh you fucked up now then he threw a punch but I blocked it and hit him right between the eyes and hit him with a knee in his stomach which knocked the wind out of him he fell to the ground clutching his stomach and gasping for air, then I leaned over him and said, " I told you I'd beat your ass".

Then out of nowhere, he kicked my knees and I fell backward on the grass and then he hit me in my stomach which knocked the wind out of me and I was now the one gasping for air then he leaned over me and said "Yeah doesn't feel too good does it? " When I got the air back into my lungs I swept his legs from under him which made him fall forward as he was about to fall on me I rolled over and he fell face first into the grass, and not a second later I got on top of his back and bent his arm behind him in the most painful way possible. As soon as I heard him whimper in pain I asked him. "Are you ready to tap out yet?" He replied " No! I will nev- " and before he could finish his sentence I twisted his arm and he screamed, "OK OK I GIVE I GIVE I TAP OUT I TAP OUT !" And with that, I got off his back and helped him up and said, " I told you I'd beat your ass".

Then he said, "How the hell are you so good at fighting ready I've only been training you for a few months I trained half of the pack for years and they're still not as good as you are Cole." "Well, what can I say I'm just that good "We all started to laugh then we all decided to walk to the pack house as are we about to open the door I get an idea and say "Hey guys I've got an idea how about we hang out at the park and have a few drinks" then Jaden says " hell yeah I'll get the beer and snacks " then Sam says "and I'll get the blue tooth speaker" then I say " and I'll get a few blankets oh and tell people we are having a party in the park at 5:30 " I then leave to clean and cook dinner for the pack.

after the packs are done eating I start to clean up the house I look at my watch and say "Oh shit," the time Is 4:49 I run and grab the blankets for the party and head to the park.

At the end of Chapter 2

Hey, guys, I Hope you're enjoying the book so far comment your opinions, and don't forget to vote love you guys😄💚🖤💚


Word count 1397 :)

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