chapter 12.

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Warning this chapter does have some smut in it so if you're uncomfortable with smut then when you see this ~~~~~~~~~~~ skip ahead until you see it again anyway enjoy

Coles POV

As I was about to hit him again I heard Melody yell "that's enough Timothy go home NOW"

He then got up and walked out the door I then turn to see Melody with an angry expression on her face if looks could kill I'd be six feet under but I was way too angry to Care I then say "Melody why was his filthy hands all over you why didn't you push him away why would you let him touch what's mine who is he" I growled lowly

She then said " his name is Timothy he's one of my best fighters and he's my ex boyfriend"

My heart dropped and I then say "I thought you waited for me" she opened her mouth but then closed it again at this point I had tears in my eyes I then say " did you um did you sleep with him" my voice cracking

She then said " no no I didn't the only thing we did was kiss" she said tears in her eyes as a single tear fell from my eyes

She then said " Cole don't act like you've never dated before" and that broke me I then say " no Melody I've never dated anyone before I've never even kissed anyone other than you I was waiting for you" I cried

She had a look of shock on her face she then said"Cole I'm so sorry" she then reached out to touch me and I backed away and said " I've always waited for you all I've ever thought of was my mate the love of my life the only one for me" she was crying again I then wiped the tears from her face and said " listen Melody I love you so much but I need time I'm not mad at you I'm just disappointed that I'm not your first boyfriend"

"But I'm so happy you didn't sleep with him" I then kiss her and said " I just need time to get over it but until then can you show me around"

Melody's pov

After a while of walking around we decided to stop at my favorite dinner as we open the doors and step in I see the pack slut Abby she has long jet black hair and gray eyes and she was wearing a short black mini skirt and a black crop top and black high heels and a gold necklace and a few rings she's a waitress here

and it seems she's taking a likeing to cole she then walks up to him and says "Hi table for two?" Cole just nodes in response she then grabs two menus and lead us to a table and gave us our menus and left

After a few seconds of looking at my menu I decided on a cheese burger and fries and Cole decided on a chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes

Abby then came back and said " Have you guys decided on what you would like to eat" we both node in reply she then says" all right so what can I get you handsome" with a smirk he was a deep red color at her words

he then replied I'll take the chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes please" she just nodes in response and turned to me and said boredom in her voice "And for you" to which I reply frustration in my voice " I'll take the cheese burger and fries" she then left

About 15 minutes later she came back with our food and ask " Can I get you anything else" looking at Cole but before he could reply I said "Yes you can you get us our check " she just nodes and walked away

After we finished our food she gave us our check and it had her number on it and I snapped saying "listen here bitch if you don't stop flirting with my mate I will rip your head off your fucking shoulders got it" she then replied "Ye- yes alpha " she then took the money and left

Time skip :)

As I opened the door to my house I see my brother jack standing in my living room tears in his eyes I could tell his wolf was in control he then yelled at me saying " YOU HURT HER YOU HURT MY MATE "

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