Chapter 1: My Power

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"Another kill today, Chaden. In a dark alleyway." My mother says when she just entered the kitchen. I rub my forehead, and sigh.

"This has been happening all month! And why in an alleyway?" I exclaim. I can't even bear to picture the scene in my mind. In a dirty, dark, and vacated alleyway, and just a human being there, dead. Blood smeared all on the floors and the ugly bricks on the wall. Ever since the first kills, everyone thought it was just a murderer that was roaming the cities, and killing people for the money. But when it started happening very often, people were scared and confused. I wrote down things that happened ever since the first day and I still am!

"Well, we are lucky since we never got an accident. We have to be careful." My mom sighs and opens the cabinet. 

"I want to become a professional spy and to get to the bottom of this!" I look at her, but she's busily cutting sausages.

"Chaden, how many times have I told you? The detectives are working on this, not you. You need to work on your schoolwork and grades." She washes the knife and drops bacon and sausages into the frying pan.

"Mom, the detectives aren't doing anything!" I say, and I'm so angry at her. 

"It's not your problem, Chaden. And stop looking at that notebook all the time. It's beginning to wear me out." my mom tells me, and started frying the sausages and bacon.

"This notebook is really important to me, Mom! I have all the clues in there to help me solve this mystery!" I protest, and she drops a plate in front of me. My mom always thinks I'm too old for some things, and then too young for some things.

"I don't want you to keep getting distracted, I want you to focus on your studies," she says sternly as I munch on the crunchy bacon. 

"I am, Mom. But I want to be a spy in the future, as my career. I really like solving crimes and mysteries." I say, and I pick off the burnt spots on my sausages. 

"I don't want you becoming a spy, Chaden. And stop with this nonsense! Give me that notebook, I'm throwing it out." She snatches the book out of my hands, just when I was finishing writing today's case.

"Mom! I need that, give it to me!" I get up on my seat and try to get it back. She tucks it into her bag and points at me.

"I'm going to work. And hurry up, school is starting soon, okay?" She waves and goes out of the door. I grump and slump onto my seat, annoyed. I take out my phone, and calling my best friend, Jordyn. I know it's weird for a boy to be best friends with a girl, but I think Jordyn is different. She understands me better than my other buddies.

"Hello?" Jordyn says as she picks up. I can tell she's eating breakfast, because I hear the crunch of cereal on the other end.

"She went way too far this time. She took my notebook!" I yell at the phone. 

"Bro chill out! We'll steal it back. Well, we've done that a million times already, so it's no biggie." She snaps at me.

"Yeah yeah, okay fine." I hang up, and my heart lifts. Another mission! This is so amazing, another shot of practicing how to be a spy. Well, we failed so many times, but I'll ace it this time! I thought, and I think of all the successful times we both snuck around my mom's company, and trying to memorize every corner, hallway, and door.

Minutes later...
I arrive at the school, looking out for Jordyn. She is nowhere to be seen.

*Boom* *BANG!* The sound of huge stomping fills the entire school. I look around, wondering what the heck that was. Screaming fills my ears, and I hear the pain in their voices. 

"What the heck is going on?!" I yell, and thunder booms. 

It was sunny a minute ago! What is freaking happening? I thought wildly.

"Chaden!" Jordyn screams. I snap out of it, and I'm in the playground.

"Hurry, they're coming!" I yell and grab her arm.

"Chaden, what are you talking about?" she unbends my fingers from her arm. I look around, it's still sunny, and it's totally normal. No thunder, and no screaming.

"I just had this dream! It wasn't a dream, but I felt like I was literally in it, there was exploding, thunder, and screaming!" I try to explain, but Jordyn laughs.

"C'mon Chaden, what kind of dream is that?" She punches me, and I shake my head.

"It wasn't a dream. I was literally there!" my words get jumbled up, and suddenly, I replay the same words I said in my mind. Ugh, I sound so stupid! Like I'm being a comedian or something! 

"Woah, it's raining, we better get inside." Jordyn looks up, and I look up too. It's drizzling, and without warning, it becomes a full downpour. 

"What? This fast?" Jordyn looks at the sky confusingly. Thunder booms before us, and every student is running back to the school. The same exploding sound occurs, and she looks at me.

"Oh My God!!!" Jordyn screams and she points. Bodies fly out of the nearby woods. They fall to the ground, blood pouring out of their lifeless bodies. I gasp and cover my mouth.

"I c-can—" I am so scared, as I see more bodies, and screaming fills my ears. There is screaming coming from the woods, and I don't even want to know what's in there right now.

"You can tell the future!" Jordyn answers for me as a body flies toward us. "We have to get inside!" She pulls my arm but I stop her.

"No. We can't. We have to get my notebook! If something's happening at my mom's company too, then we can't get it!" I grab her arm this time and she tries to negotiate.

"People are getting killed right now, by God knows what!!!" she says, and after a few seconds, she gives in and runs with me. We leap over fallen trees, equipment from the school, and...bodies. Lightning flashes and cracks. The rain is so thick that my vision is blurry and I'm just running at whatever I think is right. Blood is covering the ground, and I feel weak as I see so many dead bodies. We arrive at the main city, where there is even more chaos. Traffic, people screaming as bodies are thrown, and mostly, more bodies.

"How are we going to make it to your mom's company?" She yells through the rain.

"I don't know, but we will," I say bravely but I'm almost going to puke.

And the real fun begins...

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