Chapter 13: Clyde's Past Pt.2

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"Sweetheart, wake up!" My mother calls and she enters my room. The sunlight is seeping through my eyelids and I blink continuously until everything comes into focus. 

"Okay, I'm up. Where's Heila?" Clyde asked, and Evangeline glared at him. She started smoothing out the creases of Clyde's pillow and then speaks.

"She's fine. It's like she's more important than your mother!" She exclaims, and she sits on the four-poster bed and crosses her legs. 

"Whatever." Clyde makes his way down the stairs and he finds Heila, eating some waffles. She smiles and Clyde is relieved that she doesn't have any new cuts or bruises on her face or body. After he brushes his teeth and takes a shower, he takes a seat at the long dining room table. Evangeline was already there, glaring at Heila while sipping her custom-made brewed coffee. 

"Hey sweetheart, eat your breakfast." Evangeline points at the bagel and the smoothie that was placed in front of Clyde. He sniffs the bagel and almost chokes.

"What's in this? Why does it smell so-"

"Fresh, right? I ordered freshly made goat cheese for your bagel this morning. It's very nice and rich." Evangeline cuts him off. 

Clyde gives the bagel an uneasy look and takes a sip of his very green smoothie and almost gags. Heila looks at him, confused. She sips from her orange juice while staring at him almost vomit.


"Sweetheart, I ordered those veggies from a very expensive market. So please down it." She gives him a narrowed look and starts eating her bagel pleasantly. 

Clyde enviously looks at Heila pouring more syrup on her waffles. She looks at him and slides her plate across the table to him. 

"Here, Clyde. You didn't look like you were going to enjoy your bagel. Here, you can have my last three waffles." Heila says to Clyde, who immediately grabbed his fork and smiled so wide that his cheeks hurt.

Evangeline walked over fast, steam coming out of her ears. She swiped the entire plate to the floor, and it landed onto the marble floors with a sickening crash. The high-quality plate smashed into a thousand pieces. The maids quickly went over to clean up the mess, and Clyde stood up, angrily. Before he could speak, Evangeline stomped her foot and smacked Heila's cheek, leaving a red mark on Heila's face, and it was so hard that Heila immediately started to tear up from the pain. 

"Y-You! How DARE you offer those $5 waffles to my precious son!" Evangeline shrieked and she pushed Heila to the floor, and she landed with a thud. Clyde couldn't take it anymore. He pushed his mother back with so much force that she tripped over one of the chairs, and she fell to the floor, her coffee spilling, and the heel of her shoe broke. She stared at Clyde with wide eyes and she started to get up, but Clyde pushed her back. 

"She's my step-sister. In fact, I hated eating that stupid food! I want to be a normal kid for once! I've never seen a parent be that harsh to her own kid!" Clyde screamed at his mother. He walked over, pulled Heila up, and ran to the front doors.

"Stop him!" Evangeline screamed, and the guards surrounded Clyde at once. Heila gripped Clyde's arm firmly, not letting go. 

"Get out of the way," Clyde ordered at the guards in front of him. The guards looked feasibly confused, unsure of who to listen to. 

"But sir-" 

"GET OUT!" Clyde yelled and pushed his way out, pulling Heila with them. He started to run, and when they ran for an hour straight, they couldn't even recognize anyone or anything. He pulls her into a barbershop and asked for Heila's hair to be dyed blue.

"Why am I getting my hair dyed?" Heila whispered to Clyde, and he looks at her.

"So none of the other guards would notice you. They know you have no money. But when they see your blue hair, they won't think twice." He answers confidently. It takes about an hour to have it done and that's when it started pouring outside. The thunder boomed loudly and Clyde quickly ducked under a table that was taken out as garbage. 

Thud! Something fell on top of the table. Heila peeked up and screamed. It was a person, dead. The blood was splattered all over their clothes. Clyde tried not to throw up.

Heila was crying, full time.

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