Chapter 14: Clyde's Past Pt.3 & Reality

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"We have to run," Clyde yells because the rain is falling like crazy. Heila sniffles and she gets up and she holds her hand in Clyde's, feeling a little safer. They run and jump over the bodies, and they look at their beloved mansion. It was nothing but rubble. The huge columns that were in the entrance area before were in half, and the entire house was damaged.

Heila suddenly pointed at a body that was stuck under the column. There was a peek of velvet fabric and white heels. 

That couldn't be...? Clyde thought nervously. He went over to where he saw the fabric and jumped over the column. His heart almost dropped.

It was his...


Heila saw who it was and she instantly looked away. Clyde hated his mother but never thought about seeing her dead in front of him. 

It was too much for him, so he quickly pulled Heila with him, and went as far as they can. They soon heard motorcycle sounds, and shouting, and tried to locate the sounds. 

"There's someone alive from there! We need to go check-"

"NO!" Heila screamed into Clyde's ear.

"OWWW! What was that for?!" Clyde looked at Heila, who was very upset.  Hela was shaking so much that tears sprout out of her eyes. 

"It's too dangerous, and I'm scared..." Heila sniffs and she stops shaking when Clyde puts his arm around her shoulder.

"Okay, we'll go in there." Clyde turns direction and runs into a donut shop, and he locks himself and Heila in a storage room. They sit on the ground, and the brooms and mops topple over them and fall to the ground. 

They hear motorcycle sounds, but it screeches and stops. A few minutes later, they hear a building collapse. The door swings open and there are voices. Clyde looks alarmed and looks at Heila, who's clasping her hand over her mouth.

Clyde's leg starts to get numb and starts standing up, and he stretches his arms and legs.

The people outside are about to get out of the store, and Clyde accidentally knocked over an ugly black vase and it dropped to the floor with a SMASH!

"Who was that?" A voice said. Clyde's eyes widened, and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. But he decided that these guys weren't evil. After all, they sounded like teenagers, like them. 

"You know, you guys aren't the only ones alive. We are too." Clyde speaks up and it alarms Heila. She pulls Clyde's arm and shakes her head quickly. Clyde wriggled his arm from her grasp and opens the door. 

Although he lied and said that Heila was his blood-related sister and not his stepsister, everything was going alright. Clyde was happy he and Heila weren't alone, and that two other people were in the same situation that was the same as him. He decided he wanted to trust him.                 

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When he and Jordyn were flailing in the air, his watch decided to work. At the worse time. The wire was too strong for the tree branch and it fell, and Clyde couldn't do anything cause his watch wasn't working.

He never told anyone about how to use his watch, because he knew that this watch was meant for him, he was meant to use it. He thought of him and Jordyn landing onto the ground safely, instead of imagining him and Jordyn dying from falling. 

The next minute, parachutes were attached to their backs, and Jordyn was squeezing her eyes shut.

"Please don't die please don't die!" Jordyn screamed but she didn't know that he was slowly being lowered down.

"Jordyn, look at that, LOOK AT THAT!" Clyde shook Jordyn's arm and she snapped her eyes open and screamed.

"Oh...I'm..not dead? What, what is that?!" Jordyn said loudly. The view was outrageous. They were in the middle of a forest, a big mountain at the side of them, and a huge tree in front of them. Well the tree was normal but the leaves were metal, and many metal decorations were dangling from it. It looked so...real? 

Before they reached the ground, they caught sight of the Lab, and Jordyn thought It would be a regular building, but boy, she was seriously wrong. It was as huge as a castle, towers, and it was all formal looking. It was silver, white, and gray. The colors were dull-looking but looked vibrant at the same time.

"Oh no...we'll get lost in there!" Jordyn cried, and she didn't realize that she was reaching land. She landed with a big poof, the sand was blowing up.

"We should leave a note for them because we're separated now...and I think those wolves were programmed to attack us." Clyde wrote in his notepad, which he found in the donut shop. Jordyn ignored him but was bewildered at what he just found out. 

"Clyde...look at this." Jordyn waved her hand for him to come, and Clyde moved towards her. She takes out the potions that she took, from Chaden's bag, and she looks at one of the bottles lids. It's a sickly gray and it's full of red blinking lights. 

"They're tracking us..." Clyde exclaims, and he snatches it and drops them on the ground. He uses a rock to destroy them, and the red blinking stops.

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The lab director is dead, his blood dripping from his chest. Sydney is enraged, and waves off the creature she created. 

"I told you that you had to use something to track them...and they wouldn't notice, but you still did things in a rush, and that's why Sare had to rip your heart out," Sydney says in a low voice, and she sees the red dots fade away. The creature thunders out of the room, satisfied. 

"And now I have no idea what they are planning, or where they are!" Sydney screams, and she smashes her fist into the monitor, which shuts down immediately.

"I'll kill you for sure, Chaden. No one ever dares to save this world. You're a fool." Sydney snaps her fingers and the director's body is burned to ashes. How merciless.

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