Chapter 11: I'm coming. (Pt.1)

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"This place is such a mystery," I whisper as I walk past blue trees with metal tree trunks. I pause and sit on a log. I stretch out my arms and legs. The others follow.

"Ugh, I'm so tired," Heila complains and hits her knee, which she was complaining about ever since we entered the forest. Jordyn takes out her sword and she starts polishing it again.

I fiddle with my new watch and I take a look at the corner. It was torn a bit and I pulled the corners. The screen popped off and the whole thing dissolved into a pile of black sand. Jordyn stops rubbing on the sword and looks at me and then the watch, and then me. 

"What did you just do?" Jordyn asks me and she walks over. Man, I couldn't even tell you how scary she looked just now. She looked like a demon.

"N-Nothing! The screen was loose and I pulled it and it turned to this. She takes the sand from my hands and smells it. 

"It smells like iron. It was made from the Harplei Lab." She frees a small brown satchel from her belt and starts emptying it into the bag.

"No DUH," I say while rolling my eyes. She throws a glare at me and I tie my shoes nervously.

"Maybe we should start moving, it's the afternoon and we need shelter, we're not sleeping in a forest right?" Heila pipes up and I nod at her. 

Jordyn stops and looks at the sand again. "Are all of our watches like this?" She says and she takes off her watch. She takes a rock and smashes it against the screen. It dissolves into sand. 

"Wow..." Clyde takes off the watch and follows Jordyn. Jordyn collects the sand and puts it in her bag.


"Do you know how to WORK?! WHY DID THE WATCHES BREAK?!" Sydney screams over the speaker. She bangs her fists against her monitor, watching the dots disappear, one by one. She was NOT going to lose these stupid children that were supposedly to be heroes.

"Sorry ma'am, but we already replayed the operation on the watches, You told me to make it like that." someone responded. Sydney's jaws clenched and her ears fumed. 

"Get yourself over here," Sydney says in a deadly whisper.


Sydney slams the speaker back into the wall and takes deep breaths. She found out that her son was the hero. The door of her private lab opens with a squeak. The guy that was surrendered to Chaden walks in. He is on his knees and he bows low. 

"Do you know what you just did?" Sydney continues in a whisper, in a dark tone. 

"Ma'am, we went over the operation again and—" he starts.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR EXCUSES! I NEED TO TRACK MY SON, DAMMIT! GET OVER HERE!" Sydney's screams echo throughout the entire laboratory. The guy gets on his feet and scrambles next to her.

"You need to do something about those sand. Make it workable again, you scumbag." She orders and the guy pushes his glasses up his nose. He takes out a folded paper that was tucked inside his pocket and then types fastly in an ordered manner.

"Well? Can you still track them?" She snaps.

"Yes, they have something magnetic on them, and the watches were made from iron. They have metal on them too..." He types in commands, and an image pops up, and several bottles come up. The caps are made out of iron and the black sand in Jordyn's bag formed together, forming a black chip.

The red dot appears on the screen and Sydney smirks. She pushes him out and sits on the comfy chair. 

"Don't worry honey, you'll meet your next mother your next life." she laughs and returns to her latest creation, something beautiful enough to kill her son.

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