Chapter 7: A Good History

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"It started 15 years ago, when someone created this world. It was a dreadful thing to do, where they forced people to live and work here, trapping them in this world forever, with no exit. And until they died." The old man started. Fifteen years ago would be when I was born...I thought. 

"A woman led this world, and she herself knows the exit and enter of this place. No one ever dared to even try to escape, because she would set off her creations on them. And she created monsters, demons, and things far worse than you imagined. She has plenty of partners, assistants, and followers. She is called the Harplei Demon, because of the horrible things she would do to people. She never felt bad for one person. In fact, every death she would cause, or every kill she demanded, would be a harsh one. She never let go of anyone, she would execute anyone who talked bad about her, who refused to work, or didn't listen to her." The old man sniffed, obviously moved by the history of such a terrible place. 

"And no one ever fought back? She is unforgiving, to be honest." I say quietly, and he shakes his head.

"Until one man decided to fight back. He was her lover, and he fell for her love and followed her into the world. They even had a child at that time but until he found out about the things she would do, he got angry and tried to leave but she forbid him to leave, and forced him to work for her. He cried for days, and always saying the same sentence, The Good Will Always Overpower The Evil. The woman got angry and ordered for him to be executed. She designed a monster that was far worse than your imagination. She gathered up everyone in her world and had them watch him die."

"That must be terrible. Millions of people watching him get killed by her own monsters." Heila is crying, and she brings her knees to her chest, and wrapped her arms around her legs.

"The thing is, right before the monster speared his throat, he shouted his final words, at the last second." The old man shakes his head and runs his hand over his hair.

"What did he say?" I ask frantically, at the edge of my toes.

"He said that there would be heroes to save them, 15 years later." The old man lifts his head and he has tears in his eyes.

"But that's crazy. How would he know that?" Clyde looks confused, and he is tapping his fingers on the table, trying to think.

"No one knew. But everyone trusted him to be their hero too. It gave them confidence. The woman was furious, and she killed everyone that was there, at that night." He doesn't want to continue, but I urge him on.

"She's crazy! Just because she wanted to keep her reputation?!" I yell, and he nods. The others look at me as if I'm insane but I always had this habit. Everytime there was a story that someone was telling, I would always react to them like that. Yeah, I'm weird.

"She bought back even more people from the other world, and her rules became even stricter. She was unforgiving, like you said, Chaden. 15 years later passed, and the tale was told again and again, and no one knew how the tale got exposed, since she had killed everyone that night. She thought it was the people in her lab, or palace, because that's where she lived, but surprisingly, she didn't kill them. She didn't kill them, because she needed their ideas for her creations. Everyone was waiting for the heroes to come, but nobody came. Many people lost hope but some others didn't. They said, 'until the year is over, then you should lose hope.'" He takes a sip of his tea.

"Then why would she attack our world?" I ask him, but he doesn't say anything until he finishes his cup of tea.

"I believe she killed everyone in your city, because she wanted to find out who the hero was and kill them before they entered her world. I forgot to mention, but all the years that passed, she has been trying to figure out who the hero was, and where to find him. Since she didn't find the exact location, but found the area, and couldn't find the exact person, that's probably why she killed everyone in your neighborhood. " He answers, and Jordyn is silent. I look over to her and find her just sitting still, her mouth slightly open, doughnut in hand, and now showing any type of emotion.

"Jordyn, you okay?" Heila taps Jordyn's shoulder, and she snaps out of it.

"Yeah, I'm okay. But I have a guess. I think that hero is supposed to be you, Chaden." Her gaze is directed at me, and my eyes are as big as dinner plates.

"Whaaat?" My words are dragged, like I don't believe it. Maybe cause I really don't believe it. 

"What was the woman's name?" I ask the old man and he flips to the last page. 

"Her name was Sydney Allaband. Her name was uncovered when her lover came here and told everyone." he looks back at me and I feel like my heart just stopped.

She killed my dad, and she told me he died in a car accident...What kind of mother do I even have?

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