Chapter 9: Let's Fight, Shall We?

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"Yep, he's out of his mind. We barge in this world, meeting a stranger, attacked by slimy stuff, and suddenly we find weapons and we're about to fight this disgusting monster. This is a dream." Jordyn sighs and makes her way next to me. She sees the tears streaming down my face, and is bewildered.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa, why are you crying?" She pats my shoulder and I look at her.

"I cannot believe that my own MOM has done this, I can't believe it, seriously. Now I just want to destroy everything she's created." my gaze turns to the hideous giant. His left eye bulges out, about to pop out of its socket.

BAM! The exploding sound snaps me back to reality. I turn around and I see Clyde's eyes widened. His arm is stretched out, and his watch light up. Clyde seems to be in a trance, his eyes forced to be fixated upon his watch. 

The giant catches the noise and roars. It charges at Clyde and without thinking, I fling one of the ninja stars that were in my hand. It soars across the sky and I could hear how fast it was. There is a sound of whistling and the sound of whirring, and the blades become sharp, and the giant's ear is sliced off in a millisecond.

"Holy-" Jordyn whispers and the star comes back to my hand, completely shiny. My eyes find the pile of stars in my other hand and my head is spinning. 

"Argh!" Clyde groans and he sinks to the ground. Heila kneels and tries to lift him. 

"My mind is about to burst!" Clyde screams and the giant perks up at the sound.

"Must kill heroes!" The giant roars and stumbles across, the blood flowing from his head. Fire explodes from behind, and the fire licks the ground. I turn around and I see Clyde with a brave face and holding out his watch toward the giant, fire exploding out of the watch, and bursting...kinda. 

"Oh my-" Heila starts to say, but then she is flung off from the ground. The giant whacks her again but she tries to stand. She ducks from the giant's club and she throws her lollipop out. It's blooming like a flower and it gets bigger and bigger, until it's twice the size of the giant's lower body. She slams the lollipop onto the head...and the giant tumbles a bit, off-balance.

The fire is spreading rapidly and Clyde is still on the ground, trying to regain consciousness. Jordyn climbs abroad a nearby machine, ready to flings herself at the giant.

And guess what? I thought that was stupid. And of course, I had to yell.

"Jordyn, what the HECK are you doing?" I yell over the flickering fire near my feet. She ignores me and prepares to jump. She pulls her sword out of the sheath, the rubies glistening against the warm afternoon. (And yes, we all slept through the morning).

She was just about to jump but Clyde was back, on his feet and sort of dazy. He aims at the giant's eyes and gas shoots from the watch. Honestly, I'm so proud of this bro.

"I can control it now!" He snarls under his breath and a cold chill runs down my back. Jeez, he's scary. 

"Great, cause we all need help!" Heila says angrily and whacks the giant again. I swear I saw the giant spinning.

At that moment, I felt like this giant would never die. I pace myself, wondering what to do, and yes, during this mess. I rummage through the remains of the house. The fire is REALLY getting rough. It was spreading throughout the outside and lingering into the inside. I kick away broken wood and something catches my eye. I also grab the bag that I forgot but something keeps flickering at me. My foot is heating up and when I stare down, it's on fire. 

"Arghhh! Got dang it!" I screech like a bird and I manage to put it out but the fire is seriously getting to me now. I make my way through the debris and its a...key. A small key.

I reach for it but something snaps behind me. The wind whistles and I know someone was behind me. Without second thoughts I snatch the key from the floor and I hear footsteps receding. I leap over the scraps and jump out the window. I see someone with a cloak.

"Hey! Come back here!" I yell but they are already entering the forest. I tuck the silver key inside my pocket and I hear something crack behind me. I turn around and I see three robots? I don't know.

They were made of heavy steel and the same message is written on their heads. Kill The Heroes.

"So this is how you want to play it, Mom?" I said out loud and I grit my teeth. I take one of the stars inside my pocket and I take it out. The blades start spinning, like they are asking me to throw it. 

I take a deep breath and I swing one of the stars at them. Their bodies split open and almost immediately, another body appears. My eyes are literally popping. Jeez, why do they grow so fast?

 I felt something on my back, like a tip of either a knife or a very sharp sword. 

I snap a right high kick and I can see a dozen of people in dark cloaks, covering their faces. They are holding heavy-duty GUNS. I hear the person I kicked at gasp loudly and they are staggering. I grab their spear and I am surrounded by armed people, and growable robots.

What a mess.

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