Part 5: Such a wonderful day.

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"I'm Heila." The girl smiles and shakes Jordyn's hand. Her eyes are fascinating, with clear blue color and green hints, like a painting. She was very pale, and she had short hair, which was light blue and very untidy. I look at the front piece of her hair, where two black bands were there. 

"She's just my older sister. I'm Clyde, by the way." The boy shrugs and shakes my hand again. He certainly looked like his sister. His short hair resembled his sister, but his eyes were gray, making him look cold.

"Well, nice to meet you guys!" the corners of Jordyn's mouth lift. I give a nod and another exploding sound sends a shiver down my spine. 

"Do you guys have any things on you? Like, food or supplies?" I ask, and they both shake their head. I hand them both a sandwich and their eyes seem to glow with happiness.

"Thank you so much! You guys are so nice!" Clyde says and takes a huge bite of the ham and turkey sandwich. Heila doesn't say a word but starts chewing. A low snarl is just outside. Clyde seems to be not even breathing, even if he was just pretending. I peek out but there's nothing. I take a step and there's low breathing, literally right outside. I look around, trying to find something that can defend us. My eyes seem to be playing tricks on me. 

"Jordyn, did you see that door when we came in here?" I whisper to her, and she sets her gaze on where I'm pointing. Her eyes narrow, and she shakes her head. I go on my knees and crawl around the dropped items. The others seem to follow but then I stop. The door flickers, seems to be there, and then not be there. I'm so confused, but I keep crawling. 

CRASH! The door crashes down and Heila shrieks, but I signal her to be quiet. I motion everyone to hide behind the counter, and Clyde has his fist inside his mouth, trying not to scream. We hear the thing crawling around, bumping into pots, and knocking over things. Heila's eyes are watering, and I look over at the door. It flickers again, as if to say, C'mon, you're almost there.

I start moving and Helia shakes her head frantically, trying to stop me. I shrug her hand off and make my way to the door. At first, it seems to be disappearing and I see only the wall but when the creases of the door appear again, I'm positive that there's a door, and not hallucinating. A sickening smell reaches my nose and I wince. It's so horrid, like a troll. I look at everyone, and I could see them pinching their noses. Heila looks a little green and I'm so afraid that she's going to suddenly vomit and then we'll be dead meat. 

"We are going through this door." My voice is so quiet, like a feather hitting a floor. 

"What if there's something scary in there?" Clyde whispers back, and I shake my head.

"I have a feeling that it's safe." I rub my forehead, trying to see if I'm actually going insane. The others shrug and Jordyn creeps ahead of me. 

"I'll go first." She says and flips her blonde hair back. When Jordyn looks back to look at me, her foot catches a broken part of the floor. It squeals and the thing roared. 

Now pause. Imagine you were in a beautiful grassy field with plenty of beautiful flowers. Suddenly you pick one of the flowers and then you know you did something wrong. You know you did something wrong because, in the next second, you're running for your life. Yeah, I know that feeling. 

Well now imagine that in my reality. The thing that was chasing after us was the semi-body monster-type-thing we encountered this morning. Boy, it seemed like it grew several feet tall because it cowered over us, and the shadow that cast over us was HUGE. 

"Get to the door!!!" I yell and we scramble to our feet. Everyone steps in front of the door, looking at me for instructions. Man, I felt hopeless at that point. 

Now pause again. Imagine you were running for your life, still in that grassy field. But you're with someone, and you guys reach a dead end. There's just a big wall that popped out from nowhere and there's a door next to you. A monster is charging at you guys, and your life is at stake. You step in front of the door and you just stand there, looking at the monster charging at you guys. HELLO? What are you doing?! Go through the freaking door already! 

Back to reality: I just slapped my forehead in mid-air because the semi-body flipped the whole counter over and it bought me into the air, and when I just saw everyone standing at the door, I had to act like they weren't stupid. Which they were.

"Go through the door already! What are you waiting for?!" I scream and just when I landed on the floor, I was on all fours and trying to straighten myself up. The other gives me a worried look and they push open the door. I rush to the door and I didn't really remember anything else after that. 

All I remembered was entering the room, finding it with no floor, and when I look below, there was a whole kind of planet there, like a different place, that didn't look like the United States, or anywhere like Earth. It was entirely made of machines. Silver everywhere. I remember falling, everyone screaming, and then I blacked out. 

The best kind of day was knowing your mom was a monster creator, finding everyone dead in your neighborhood, and then falling into another world with your best friend and two random people.

Indeed a wonderful day it was.

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