Chapter 3: Astonishment

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The sound hits before I can react. Jordyn looks around wildly, and we hear something coming up the steps. I tiptoe behind the desk, and Jordyn doesn't move.

"Jordyn, get your butt down here, it's coming for us!" I whisper-yell and I try to pull her down but she is silent.

"Chaden, I am not hiding! I'm going to jump." She pulls her hair back into a ponytail and she walks toward the edge of the room, just pausing there, to wait for me.

"Jordyn, what are you thinking? That's death for us if you want to jump from the fourth floor!" I try to negotiate with her but she doesn't listen. Mind her, she's really stubborn. Nothing can stop her. Ever. That's reaaallly annoying. 

"Mind you, we're between death and death! We might as well jump from here than fighting that thing!" She stares at me with those laser eyes and I suddenly got an idea.

"Actually, if you're thinking about jumping, I'll do it. But I'm getting some rope from the janitor's closet." I wave her off and head for the door.

"Chaden, what is wrong with you? Don't go! You're actually insane!!!" Jordyn walks after me and I smirk.

"Now you know how I feel? Exactly. And now you either—" 

A crash sends us flying into the air. The impact was so strong, that we barely had time to brace ourselves. The door flies open and that semi-sort-of-monster-thing is just standing there, and I quickly get up to my feet,

"Yeah, I should've listened to you let's go!!!" I scream and without thinking, I jump. The first thought in my head was: Bro what the heck were you thinking? Jumping off with no type of protection, no brain cells, and with no idea how to land? You're dead this time!

It was like slow motion but I saw a pile of packing peanuts. Do you know those packages where there are like, millions of those little squarish-roundish things that are made of foam? Yeah, I saw a huge box of those, and there was more pouring out. I did a flip in the air and aimed myself at them. I dropped on those like a bullet. I wince as my leg hits on something sharp. I see Jordyn, and she didn't jump. Well, I guess she must be swearing my name the whole time because she's unsure what to do, she's behind a box, trying to stay hidden. 

"Jordyn!" I shout, and her eyes meet mine. I point to the packing peanuts and she lights up. I scramble out of the box, and I felt like I broke my leg. I don't even want to look at it. All the blood we saw just made me squeamish. 

I see her trying to climb down carefully (like that's that going to help at all) and she slips on one of the ledges, and she falls. And the bad thing is, she was like, yards away from the packing peanuts.

Why did you have to climb down? And how are you supposed to land? I thought. My eyes find metal radiators and that's going to be her landing.

"Oh no Oh no Oh no!!!" I  get on my feet and my feet are stable but I'm limping. I see her falling slowly, and I jump over the debris. I throw myself in front of her, right before she lands. She looked so happy I caught her, and if she didn't, then she might have died, honestly. 

"You're such a stubborn alien," I mutter and she laughs. She stands up and helps me to her feet. 

BOOOOOM. CRASH! The whole building collapses and we both lep over the rubble, and we run for the forest nearby, and I find this weird.

"Wait, I've never seen this forest here. There's always a little cupcake shop here, that I buy my jelly doughnuts." I say, and look around, wondering if I'm mistaken.

"Are you sure? Just thinking of those doughnuts you bought was de-li-cious." Jordyn looks up to the sky, possibly thinking of that moist doughnut, with powdered sugar sprinkled on top and the warm jelly oozing out.

"I'm positive! I always see the street sign whenever I go there, and then there's the shop. But there's not a single tree there. So why is there a whole forest here?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Well, that's weird. So where's the donut shop now?" Jordyn scratches her head, and sit on a broken-down desk. We look around, and it's getting noisy. The screams had started again, and many pairs of stomping had just popped out of nowhere. I spot the little bright flag with the words, "Dough" and I know it's the shop.

"Jordyn, I see it! But why is it so far away?" I am in confusion, more confused than ever. Jordyn taps me on the shoulder and I turn around, and I also see another shop behind us.

"Wait, huh?" I felt like I was going mental.

"Let's pack up some things, or else we'll starve! And there's no restaurant open anymore, with these wild thing-majings roaming around, killing people."  

"Well let's do that first then." I agreed and we make our way to the abandoned shop. I find an old backpack and I find it empty. I slide over the marble-white counter and put in a tin box of cookies and 5 sandwiches. I pack in a bottle of water, a first-aid-kit (I just found it on one of the shelves), a flashlight, and somehow a very sharp knife. I also stuff in my notebook and the sketchbook, which I have been too afraid to open, because I'm scared of what I was going to find out about my Mom.

"Hey, Jordyn. Ready to go?" I call out, and I open one of the cabinets, and I find a safe. Jordyn pops out right next to me, mouth stuffed with a cream donut.

"Do they really keep safes here?" She says but it sounds like Do dey real-ee keeb sabes 'ere?

"Whatever the reason is, it's open." I stare at the lock, and I could tell it was broke open with extreme force, because the insides are shattered, like dust, once I held it in my hands. 

And I opened it. 

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