Chapter 11

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Lindo's eyes flickered as he woke up. After quickly assessing the environment, he figured out that he was in a hospital room. As he slowly sat up, all the pain all the pain came rushing in. "Ouch."

The sound of his voice woke up Jazz who was sleeping on a bed besides his. When he saw his friend sitting up, Jazz sprung up himself. "You're awake." Jazz  spoke happily.

"Sorry for worrying you." Lindo replied whilst rubbing his head despite the pain he felt. "Ouch."

"Don't move around to much. The doctor said you must rest."  Jazz cautioned him. "She also stated that during the fight you broke a few ribs and your left arm."

"Thanks for the update. How are you doing?" Lindo asked as he noticed bandages around his friend.

"The good thing is, he didn't hurt the money maker." Jazz pointed to his face which had a big goofy  grin. "Besides that I suffered lesser injuries when compared to you... I guess I'm lucky."

"Yeah." Lindo stated as he looked down at his hand. He could still remember the fight as if it was happening now. "Hey Jazz, sorry for putting you in danger. I made the wrong choice and got you injured."

"That's true, it was a bit irresponsible." Jazz stated with a smug smile. "But still everything turned out okay. Nobody died."

Lindo simply took a deep breath before covering himself with the blanket and falling asleep. Jazz could see that it was still bothering him.

On the top of the Hilton Garden hotel building, a strange figure sat at the edge of the building's roof. She looked down at the city below, watching as people lived their lives like normal. The lights of the cars and buildings decorated the night sky with their brilliance. One couldn't tell if it was day or night if they were in the midst of it.

"Look at those fools." She stated as she sucked on a green lollipop. "Little do they know of what is coming."

"We don't know either Vanessa." Another figure responded to her statement. The voice came from a pitch black fog which appeared out of nowhere. "So don't act like you know it all."

"Well if it isn't Forsaken. What brings you to my sector?" Vanessa replied as she turned around.

"I came here to see if you have carried out your orders." Forsaken replied as he emerged from the fog. His black hair had gotten longer and he was now wearing a long, black coat with a mask written four.

"Nope, I'm still working on them." Vanessa stated as she stood up. She then approached Forsaken with toothy smile that complimented her facial features.

Lightning began to envelope her, before it concentrated on to her index finger. Then she pointed her finger to the city all the while increasing it's power.

"But don't worry everything is going according to plan. I just want to have fun for a bit." She stated as she blasted the volt of lightning into the city. "Tell papa that before the school term ends I will have Great White's head."

As she vanished Forsaken approached the edge of the building. The light that decorated the was gone only to be replaced by darkness. "I'm wonder what you are up to?

Before he left two cars crashed into each other. Forsaken laughed loudly as he vanished withinthe fog.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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