Chapter 8

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With all his might the villain ran towards Nj. He broke through all obstacles Nj created. She then liquidated the concrete causing the villain to slip and fall. This burnt part of his costume but oddly it did not catch fire.

Using this opportunity, she surrounded Great White in a sphere of wet concrete. Quickly the sphere closed off sealing him inside. "The walls are very thick, you can't escape." Nj spoke before facing the crowd behind her. "Is everyone okay!?" She asked with a proud smile.

"Yes, well most us are fine however, one of my friends took the brunt of the attacks." Lindo explained whilst trying to stand up.

"Son you don't look good either." One of the women commented on Lindo's condition. Nj sighed a bit because she wanted to say the same thing.

"Don't worry about me ma'am. I'm stronger than I..." Lindo stopped suddenly.

"What is it?" Welile asked. "Is there something wrong with you?"

Lindo suddenly closed his eyes and slowly took a deep breath. He placed one hand on the ground while he knelt down. "Young man are you okay?" Another one of the women asked nervously.

"Don't you guys feel that? I can feel vibrations." Lindo spoke before opening his eyes.

Immediately everyone went silent trying to feel what Lindo is detecting. The women all looked around the room for anything that could cause a disturbance. Unfortunately, all their eyes landed on one object.

As they focused on it, they noticed it shake a bit. Gradually it started to move around as the vibrations became more violent. The vibrations are getting stronger. Lindo observed before he looked at Nj.

Nj quickly turned towards the concrete sphere. Quickly she added another layer on top of it. "Oh, you just added another layer...How pathetic." The villain laughed ominously. His voice somehow echoed throughout the room.

Suddenly the outer layer of the sphere started cracking. As another vibration occurred, the crack expanded. The women stood closer to each other behind Nj. One of them carried Jazz on her back, as she prepared to retreat back inside.

Drops of sweat dripped down Lindo's and Nj's faces. Both of them watched anxiously as the crack increased in size. Welile looked at Lindo and noticed him clench his right hand. His face was filled with worry.

What can I do? I've been calling him an insect yet this whole time I've done nothing. How embarrassing. Welile questioned herself and recent actions.

All of a sudden the sphere broke into two. Litters of water flowed in all directions washing away the blood and human body parts scattered around. However, the villain was dry as if he wasn't touched by it. He looked at the group hungrily as he his claws grew bigger, his fangs became longer and is dorsal find appeared. He was starting to look like a shark now.

"Attrition can be useful sometimes." The villain commented on his escape.  "Waring down your opponents little by little is what has helped mankind change the injustice and inequality of society in the past."

"Where did you get the water from, I didn't see a tank on you?" Nj asked. "And besides doesn't water increase the strength of concrete?"

"Instead of asking about my motive, you instead focus on my power how naive." The villain spoke before creating shirukens from water. "As an assassin I can never reveal my secrets. However, I will say this to be fair, water makes me even stronger." He explained as he threw the shirukens at Nj and the crowd.

Nj quickly covered her hands and feet with concrete to stop the attack. She punched a few them away while, the others she sent back at the villain. Upon impact the shiruken exploded creating a human sized flame. Surprisingly both Lindo and Nj saw him walk through the flames as if strolling in the park.

"Did he spray water on himself?" Welile asked Lindo who could barely hear her. His mind was busy looking for methods to beat the villain.

Nj fired bits and pieces of the concrete from her hands at great speeds. Using taekwando the villain blocked most of them and returned one of the pebbles back at Nj. He then quickly ran at her while she was busy blocking the attack.

Upon realizing this, Nj created a massive wall between her and Great White. She wanted to separate Great White and the crowd to buy time for themto escape. If it reaches the ceiling I can use this chance to escape back into the mall. Bust is almost done dealing with this guy's team.

Before the attack could reach the ceiling Great White nimbly jumped over it. He performed a perfect back flip while doing so. This shocked Nj for a bit causing her to freeze momentarily.

"Magenta watch out!" Lindo shouted snapping her out of it. However it was too late.

Great white then used this opportunity to pin her on the ground. His nails dug into her skin causing her to bleed. He watched in amusement as the hero gritted her teeth in pain trying to avoid screaming.

"Since you manipulate the earth with your arms, it's best I target them first." The villain spoke. "If you want to escape from here, beg."

Lindo watched as his friend layed on the ground with a villain on top of her. Through his pain he desperately searched the area for anything he can use to help her. The mumbling of the women behind faded into the background as he tried coming up with a plan in his.

Everything he came up with required him to openly use his power in public. He thought long and hard on what to do. As his eyes started glowing blue someone walked passed him.

"Let her go." That person spoke with authority. The villain's smile quickly vanished leaving him a frown instead.

"Did you just order me around normy?" He asked a he deepened the punctuation into Nj's arms. Nj let out a tiny yell. "Normys don't have the right to order me around?"

"The only waste of space I see here is you. Trash like does not need to breathe the same air as me." Welile continued causing the villain to let go of Nj. Suddenly he was in front of Welile preparing to punch her in the face.

"Luckily for me you were my target." Great white replied in anger. The other women begged that he let her go.

I have to move I have to get to her. It was my bad decision making that got us into this mess. Lindo regretted as he ran at Welile. "I have to protect her that is my job." He spoke as he watched Great White swing his right arm. However, Welile managed to evade the attack easily.

How? Thought both  Lindo and Great White in shock. "I'm way faster than her. How did she dodge it." Great spoke as he swung his swung his left hand.

Before it could reach her Lindo used his hands to block it. Again a crack sound was heard through out the room. Without flinching he then tackled the villain to the ground.

The villain managed to kick Lindo away and creating a water sword simultaneously. As he tried to slash her a sound wave broke through the giant wall hitting everyone in the process. One by one everyone fell unconscious. Great White's sword broke before he dropped unconscious on the ground. At the entrance a man wearing a white lab coat stood.

"Phew that was close. Luckily Nj told me in time." The person spoke as he calmly entered the room. "I guess it's time to go hero."

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