Chapter 10

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Sparks flew left and right as the two people fought. The person in the jet pack used their mobility to skillfully avoid lethal strikes.

Using their skills the armoured person led their opponent away from the train. "That was a hero wasn't it?" A man asked as another explosion went off sending grains of sand towards the window. The train shook momentarily causing everyone to panic.

"I guess they are gone." One of the men stated. Soon after the whole group started to mumble amongst themselves with each person giving an opinion. The unfortunate part was that nobody was willing to listen to anyone else. Each person especially the males was trying to be a leader.

I was at a corner standing next to the unconscious woman. On my hand way you and your mother's picture. I stared at the picture as the arguing became background noise.

"Ahm!" Shouted someone who was sitting by the entrance of the train car. He had silky smooth silver hair and creepy yellow eyes. With his purple tuxedo this man was oozing with confidence. I noticed that he was moving his hands in such a way that it seemed like he was stroking something on his lap. "Why the racket? Is it not possible for everyone to lead?" He continued as the people close to him started to shift away.

Soon after that he started to stand up. "Where are my manner. You can call me James, James Hopper." To our shock the man's lower half was similar to that of a grasshopper or cricket. What stood out the most was that he was carrying the head of the child I met earlier.

The way he tossed it outside the opened disgusted me. The bloody trail it left was a bit disturbing, but not as much as it getting smashed a bit on a pole. The head itself got cut in half.

"What do you want with us?" An elderly woman asked. With that said, I quickly looked at the door behind me. My will to see you again motivated me to take this chance, however I could not abandon others. My greatest worry was the unconscious lady on the chairs.

"To do my job off course." Hopper stated. "Like all of you I earn cash and I need that cash to survive. Just like all of you."

Although he was a criminal, what he was saying was making sense. "What if you get caught? Won't your family get sad?" Someone else asked.

Upon hearing that Hopper started laughing. While all of us watched in stun silence, he was the only one laugh. I even noticed him shedding a single tear.

"Family? I don't have that." Hopper replied. "Those pieces of shits abandoned me the day I was born. That is why I turned to crime." He continued as the floorboards around him broke free.

At that moment I opened the door and took the lady and ran off. "Everyone follow me!" I shouted as I went to the next car. However, only a handful were able to escape with me, because upon entering the next car the door closed behind us with people screaming.

I looked back while the door was closing. Upon seeing blood and organs flying about, I almost vomited. Soon after everyone entered the train car i closed the door. "What should we do?" A lady asked as we heard the screaming continuing.

At that moment a foot broke through the metallic door. It's  hinges loosened enough to allow anyone to enter easily. "Thought you could run away." Hopper stated as he entered.

Everyone moved to the back of the train car, while avoiding the rotten corpses in the process. The villain got closer and closer to us, with each step serving as a count down to our deaths. "I don't have anything against you guys and your families. I'm just doing my job." He stated as he prepared to attack.

With his legs bent over his muscles tensed up, Hopper jumped at us. The force of his attack managed to break the floor behind him. As soon as he was in the air I closed my eyes and waited to die.

After twenty seconds I opened them again. To my surprise Hopper was lying on the ground. As I looked closer I discovered that he was unconscious. Thanks to the falling piece of rubble, my attention was drawn to the ceiling. And there flying above the hole was someone in a silver armour.

Flames burst from this person's shoes, which I assumed allowed them to fly. Her long hair was tied neatly into a ponytail. As she landed, I got a better look at the person.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked as she turned to face us. Even though she wore a mask I could see the color of her eyes. With all that I concluded that this person is around my age.

"Yes. We are fine, however I cannot speak for the people in the other train car." I replied trying not to look nervous.

"I know." She said angrily. I could detect the disappointment in her tone. "If only I got here sooner." She continued as she turned towards the villain

The villain attempted to get up but was quickly knocked out by the hero. She looked at me from the corner of her eye before she focused on the door ahead of us.

"Everyone keep moving forward this train car is about to become a battlefield."

End of POV

"How do you like my story?" Blaze asked as he choked a hero in a blue and yellow costume.

The person tried speaking, however he couldn't do it. His breathing had gotten so rough that he started coughing.

"By the color of your eyes, it seems like you are close to running out of breath." He commented on the hero's conditions. "Now tell, where can I find Bust?"

From a distance a shadow figure watched as a large inferno erupted. It turned the area a bright orange.

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