Chapter 7

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"Do you hear that." Lindo asked Welile who was in front of him. As she focused she heard footsteps echoing behind them.

"It sounds like someone is following us. By the way they sound, this person could be chasing us or leading us somewhere." Welile replied as she looked back at Lindo. The boy was shocked by her quick analysis of the situation that he couldn't master up a comment. Although he didn't want to admit it, Welile was correct.

Suddenly the whole group heard the sound of a gun being loaded. A tiny clanging sound soon followed. After that the footsteps started to become more frequent until they were heard constantly. The women began to panic and even Lindo was starting to get worried himself.

Seeing this, Welile decided to go to the front of the group. "Don't worry ladies all we have to do is get to the loading docks. The security guards will protect us. In the meantime these two gentlemen will act as our guardians." Welile proudly proclaimed. Before Jazz could complain, his eyes met hers. Without any persuasion, he swallowed his words and looked ahead.

Why is it that the girls I interact with can do the death glare? I wonder if mom could do it. Lindo thought. The group suddenly turned a sharp corner, causing Lindo to slam into the wall. After collecting his thoughts, he continued to follow them.

The group arrived at the loading bay and quickly rushed towards the exit. As they ran, a men appeared at the entrance. On his right hand was just a head. Blood was gushing out of it that a small stream was created. Without a care he tossed it aside with the others.

The loading was covered in blood. Body parts were scattered everywhere. Both security and loading personal were killed indiscriminately.

"I wasn't planning a fancy entrance, one of my prey escaped and I needed him." He commented as blood dripped from his glove. Parts of his suit had blood stains especially his face and hair. "Nice. This time the is more women. Don't fear, your deaths will be equally brutal as these fodder characters." He casually smilled. At that moment the person who was chasing them appeared.

"Sir white I brought them as planned?" He stated as he approached the villain. The person turned his back on white and faced the frightened group.

"Thank you for that." White spoke as he got closer to the group. Without notice he shoved his hand into the man's body ripping out his heart in the process. His hand emerged on the other side with the beating heart on-hand. He pulled back his hand leaving his ally to fall on the ground and die. "Nobody calls me White, it sounds racist. I believe in true equality."

"To avoid the same death as him, please call Great White. Besides I don't discriminate, all  of you will die just like these lovely fellows." The villain uttered as he threw the person's heart into a trash bin. He smiled gently before kicking the person's body towards the feet ofthe the group.

"He was your ally you piece of shit..." Jazz shouted before charging at the villain. "How could you kill him like that?"

"Jazz don't he is very dangerous!" Lindo shouted in an attempt to stop Jazz.

"Don't worry about me, get them out of here. Besides I want to teach this bastard the importance of valuing your friends." Jazz responded as he hurled his fist at Great White's face. The villain did not flinch, but took the strike head on. From nowhere Jazz started screaming in pain. Without much effort, Great White sent Jazz flying with back handed smack.

"I can't believe I was expecting more from you. Oh well, next." He stated with a gentle smile. Lindo observed that his yellow eyes were mainly focused on Welile. He looked at Jazz growling with pain as he struggled to move a muscle

At that moment Great White leaped forward at Welile who stood in front of the group. "If you are not going to attack then I will."

Lindo immediately jumped in front of her to take the hit. As Great White's fist made contact with Lindo, a crack sound echoed throughout the room. The force of the punch also sent him flying at the wall behind the group.

Before he could move closer, a fork lift crashed into him. It had enough force to push him away from the women. The only thing Great White touched was a strand of hair on Welile's head.

A ghost? Not possible, this must be someone's ability. He thought as he pushed it away with ease. Suddenly all of the trucks started and the lights flickered on and off.

A camera. Lindo thought as an idea came into mind. "How amazing the ability to control technology with your mind." The looked around the room amazement.

Jazz used this opportunity to tackle the villain to the ground. "Don't get confident just because you have an ability." Jazz told Great white.

Before Jazz could even touch him, Great White kneed him in the abdomen. A little blood gushed out his mouth adding more blood into the room.

The women screamed upon seeing this. They shifted away from the scene to increase distance between them and the villain. One of them tried calling for help but they had no signal. "Just like in the mall."

As the light faded away from Jazz a truck approached and hit Great White away from him. It safely passed by as Jazz layed flat onthe ground.

Welile quickly ran at Lindo. "Are you okay?"  She asked. For a split second a vision someone popped into her mind.

"I'll be fine. This guy is way too strong. However way don't need to beat him we just need to survive." Lindo told Welile. Welile looked up and saw the truck being pushed aside effortlessly.

"How long are going to waste like this reveal yourself so that we can have a duel. " The villain stated as he approached Jazz. This time his claws extended out of his glove and his teeth grew larger by the second. "If you don't show yourself in the next ten minutes this child will resemble shredded cheese."

"He now resembles a real shark." One of the women pointed out. They shifted even more trying to get far away from him to escape.

Great white stood above Jazz staring at him with a murderous intent. "It's time to make some shredded cheese." He stated before going for the kill.

Just as the claws were about to reach Jazz, the ground swallowed the boy. Soon after a fist made from the floor's concrete appeared and punched Great White in the face.

From the entrance a silhouette stood proudly. She looked at Great White with slight rage. "Hurting innocent people. I don't think so, because I am here." Nj stated as she punched the villain again.

"N...j." Is all Lindo could speak as he lifted himself.

"Don't worry everyone, Concussion is on his way here." Nj stated.

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