Chapter 2

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"In light of your recent escapade, I'm going to assign you to a security detail." Alex said to his annoyed son sitting on a char across his desk. Lindo wasn't impressed by this, in fact he thought it was a waste of his potential to play century. His father  noticed this, but it was the only way for him to be a hero and focus on his school work.

"Dad, why do I have to do that? I'm sure that there are dozens of rookies who would gladly take that job." Lindo replied. Alex began to be irritated by his son's  childish antics. Even so he pressed the matter.

"Lindo, don't forget that you're also a rookie yourself. Besides it will be a good learning experience for you." Alex said as he headed towards the door. He stood in the middle of the opened door frame and looked back at Lindo. "The person you are to watch, will be here shortly. Go down stairs and prepare to meet her then head to school afterwards." He continued before leaving his office.

Thirty minutes later, Lindo was still sitting by the stairs waiting for the person to arrive. "I can't believe my father gave me a lame mission. I'm gonna be late for school if this person doesn't show up soon."  As Lindo continued to wait the door across him opened and a girl his age came out of it.

She was wearing his school's uniform and was up to his shoulder in height. "Who is she?  I've never seen her at school before? Though she looks like a nice person to say the least." He mumbled to himself softly. As she walked towards him, he couldn't help but notice how elegant she looked with her hair bouncing in a controlled way.

"Excuse me insect, but do you know where my security guard might be?" She asked him in a rather rude way. Yap this is my assignment. He thought to himself, feeling his suicidal thoughts slowly creep in. He heard Falakhe saved a town from destruction and his dad was the one who told him to go there. Instead of that, he gives his own son a security job. "Insect don't you know how to speak or is being an idiot your super power."

"Sorry, but I'm the so called security guard you speak of and besides, my super power is technopath." Lindo replied in a prideful manner. Lindo saw her smile a bit. Despite her smugiesh personality she had a lovely smile.

"At least you know your place insect. Anyways, my name is Welile, what is yours?" She asked, as Lindo stood up from the wooden bench he sat on. He cleaned himself as he prepared to lead the way to school.

"My name is Lindo. Shall we go? I don't wanna be late for the first day of a new term." Lindo stated as he opened the door to leave this country's hero office.

"So it's true, even insects have basic manners." She said forcing him to clench his fist in annoyance. This is going to be a really... really long school term.

"Dearest Great White. It's been a long time." Vanessa proclaimed as someone approached her from the shadows.

"Vanessa I'm not your slave that you can call at any time you want." Great white replied as he sat on a bunch of crates. He scratched the top of the crates as he waited for Vanessa to talk. He drew a mini bridge while he waited.

"I hear you go around assassinating heroes and normys for sport. Well I have a certain mission that might interest you deeply." Vanessa stated as she smirked. Her pearly whites were revealed in that smile. She handed Great White a photo which caused him to smile slightly.

"Consider it done old friend."

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