Chapter 9

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This chapter is going to be from Blaze's father's point of view.


I was a passenger of a bullet train which travelled from Cairo in Egypt to the coast of Cape Town in South Africa.

While the train zipped past the jungles of Congo, I was sitting on my bed talking to your mother using my laptop. With the windows open, I enjoyed the frigid air of the night sky.

Outside of the cabin, security guards often walked up and down the passage ways looking for any suspicious movement. You see on that day we were traveling with an embassador of Egypt, who was headed to Botswana for the African Union conference.

This meant that movement by us of the lower class was limited. Luckily for us this train was one of a kind. Being highly computerized, it was easy for us to order food and get entertainment. The only thing that would have required us to move out the cabin was to use one of the three toilets in that train car.

After singing you a lullaby, I slowly fell asleep myself.  My eyelids got heavy causing them to cover my eyes forcing me to sleep. As I drifted to sleep the outside darkened which meant that we just entered a cave. "Just one more day till I arrive home to  my wife and child-"

From out of nowhere I heard a really loud bang. This caused me to wake up bumping my head on the headboard in the process. I took a look outside the window and to my surprise the train was moving slower than normal.

The trees took longer to pass by my window and the air pressure generated from moving fast was gone. It was replaced by a gentle breeze. To be honest I did enjoy the view. The fire flies moving from one lylac to another was a beautiful thing to see. The mountains in the background made this area look more serene. "I wish I could've seen this during the day, when the other flowers have blossomed as well."

I eventually got out of my room to investigate what was causing us to move so slow. As I slided my door, I was welcomed by another woman who was returning to her room. Next to her was a little girl who looked at me with her big ocean blue eyes. I waved at them earning a hello from the child. With that I was on my way to find a train personnel.

In the next cart I bumped into alot of people who were wondering about the slow movement as well. One of the men suggested that it must be because of the ambassador. Although it could be true, but it was also a bit of a stretch. Isn't he in a hurry to a meeting? I thought as I saw a lady with glasses disappear to the next cart. I also followed wanting to know the situation.

While crossing between train carts, a shadow moved fast over me too the next one. I quickly looked and saw nothing. The only thing I noticed was the clear night sky decorated with different colored  lights that filled the sky. I smiled while taking a second to appreciate the view.

As I opened the door, I found the lady with glasses frozen in place. Since I was five foot ten I was barely  taller than her, but I still could peak over her shoulder and what I saw was horrible. In front of us was a group of corpse layed across the passage way. Their limbs were scattered across the cart covering the walls with their blood. It was clear that they were attacked but, it looked like they never got the chance to shoot since the were no bullet shells on the ground.

Before I could say anything I heard another bang, but this time I was able to pinpoint where it came. "It's similar to the sound I heard in my room." I said whilst me and the lady looked up. Now that it was silent I could barely hear footsteps on the roof. It sounded like someone running.

Suddenly a blade pierced the roof, missing me by two inches. To be honest bits of my hair was snipped off. The lady quickly fainted after that. With all my strength I lifted her on to my shoulders and carried her to the passenger car.

Apparently this train accommodated two types of passengers. One was a short distance a traveler their cars had rows of seats in an open space. The other type was a long distance traveler who were gifted with food and a room of their own. Both passengers had access to the toilets which was a bonus for me especially.

As I returned to the previous car, everyone swarmed us upon seeing what had become of the lady and my terrified disposition. It was hard not to see it. My face looked like all the life was drained from it at the same time my body was shaking violently. "What happened?" One of the men asked as they took the lady off my back and placed her on a row of seats lifting up the arm braces, so that she can lye down.

"" Was all I could say embarrassingly. Everyone tried to complete the word, however nobody came close. Seeing this I mastered up all the energy I had and spoke up. "Blood, the is a lot of blood from dead people in the next train car."

The whole group started mumbling amongst themselves trying to figure out what is happening. Suprisingly we all came to a simple conclusion. The is an assassin on the train and it seemed like he had  killed the ambassador and his men. What didn't make sense was the loud sounds and the sword from earlier. Suddenly a series of explosions occurred outside of.

A bright flash brightened the outside blinding us in the process. When we opened our eyes smoke filled the area. I couldn't see anything but, I could hear the clashing of metal objects together. Tiny sparks appeared within the smoke as I looked outside in disbelief.

The smoke began to clear. While clearing, I began to see silhouettes moving around. The more it cleared the more the silhouettes became vivid. When the smoke cleared up my jaw dropped open at what I saw.

There outside two people were fighting. One was flying on a jet pack whilst the other was standing on the train's side. Both of them were wearing strange outfits. Who the hack are these people?

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