Chapter 6

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Outside the mall a crowd of people gathered around due to the alarms. Blaze was amongst them as he saw reporters flock the scene. The police had already set up barriers between the building and the crowd.

"Over there." A reporter pointed towards a flying object headed towards them. As it drew nearer, the crowd recognized it as a hero. With loud voices almost everyone started to cheer. The cheering was so loud that the reporter had to cover her ears to talk straight.

"It's the invincible hero Bust from team rainy day." Said the reporter as she got closer to him. After landing the crowd started to get rowdy pushing the guarding the barriers.

"Calm down everyone, we still have a crisis at hand." He spoke just before the reporter could point the microphone at his face. "Ah, Michelle Light what an honor to be at your presence."

Upon hearing those words, the reporter simply blushed a little. "Thank you for the complement sir Bust." The reporter spoke whilst containing her joy. "We were wondering how you were going to solve this situation?"

"No it is my pleasure. I can't tell you how but, all you can do is watch me." Bust spoke before he turned his attention towards the mall. "Don't worry everyone, your loved ones will return safe and sound." He continued after taking the microphone from the reporter. He winked at her as he returned it, he then walked towards the building.

He doesn't care about the people he's saving, he is doing it for the publicity. The hero from before... was different but, how? Blaze thought as he left the area.

"Jazz is there another exit besides the door?" Lindo asked. Jazz quickly pointed at the door leading to the loading dock. "Common everyone let's follow him." Lindo commanded.

"Why should we follow him? He is just a child. Even more important why should we listen to you? The could be more of those people waiting for us." One of the women spoke. The others started talk amongst themselves on the right choice.

Women. Welile thought as she looked at them discussing.

"All you are doing is complaining and giving up I'm going with them." Said a store clerk who stepped forward. "Right now if we want to survive we have to listen to him." She continued. Suddenly, Lindo heard strange noise coming from the other stores.

As the people mumbled amongst themselves the strange noise got louder and louder. Lindo heard it next door to them. "Common ladies we don't have all day." He voiced out as he heard someone remove the people from the store next door.

"She's not here either." One of the men stated.

"Hurry up to the next door. The boss wants her." Hearing those voices the women rushed out of the door following Jazz down the passage way that led to the loading dock underneath the Riverside mall. After he left Lindo closed the store door and locked it using his power.

Dammit why did I choose today of all days to leave my suit. No I have to focus on keeping everyone safe. Lindo thought as he followed the group. "I'll leave the rest of the people to Bust."

"Sir it looks like they left through the back door." One of the attackers spoke to a person behind him.

"Great job, leave them to my partner. You continue rounding up the rest of the people." The person ordered. "I'm going to focus on the climax."

"Sir, I hope you don't forget." One of the arms men spoke.

"What do you take me for, a villain?" The leader spoke as he left the group. "I'll keep my word."

The door bell rang as a red haired girl stood outside a two story white house. She was fair in complexion spotting a pair of purple levi glasses. She wore a blue and white tracksuit with a basketball wrapped around her arm. As she looked around the yard, the door swung open.

"Hey Tive." The girl greeted. Tive upon recognizing who this person was quickly ran and gave them a hug.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you Nj." Tive responded as she buried her face in Nj's chest. "I missed you very very much." Nj smiled a bit as she rubbed the child's hair.

"My, my you've grown a lot. You are a big girl now." Nj complimented. Tive stepped back and stood triumphantly with her toes. This made Nj laugh a bit because this reminds her of someone she knows. "Is Lindo home,  I wanted to suprise him?"

"No he is not, but you can play with me instead. Come and watch Television with me pretty please." With those words Nj joined Tive in her viewing experience.

As the people ran through the narrow hallway Lindo heard a strange sound echoing from behind him. It sounded like someone was scratching the wall with their finger nails.

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