chapter 5

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"Lindo... Lindo... Lindo!" Shouted Sibz trying to get his friend's attention. Lindo quickly shook his head before facing his him.

"Sorry for that. I...I was lost in thought." Lindo replied. Sibz could see that something was troubling him but, knowing Lindo he was just going to immediately change the subject. Although he and Lindo have known each other for three years now, he can't help but feel that his friend is hiding something from him.

"Okay bud. Let's go eat, today they are serving chicken pies." Sibz said as he walked out the classroom majestically.

He sure loves his pies. Lindo thought while following Sibz' lead.

Outside the form five class. The corridors were filled with students moving up and down. Lindo looked back at the classroom door thinking of a way to return. "Um... Sibz what's going on today?" Lindo asked his friend. Sibz simply shrugged hinting that he to did not know what was happening.

"The year books are out and us form fives are trying to obtain signatures from our colleagues." Jazz spoke as he approached the two. As per usual he had his shirt untuck and his hands in his pocket. The year book was neatly tucked between his arm and body. On his face was a smug grin which Lindo to this day thinks it was glued to his face. "Finally found you. You guys are weird as ever." He added before he leaned against a nearby pole.

How is it that this guy is never punished for wearing sneakers everyday? This is corruption I tell you. Sibz thought while looking at his friend.

"Hey Dacrao." Lindo greeted before he approached him.  Sibz dragged his feet as he mumbled something cryptic.

"Here are your books. Mission... accomplished." Jazz said as he pulled them out of his bag. "Don't worry, I already signed both of yours. You welcome." He continued just as he noticed a beautiful girl approach them.

Jazz quickly changed from his slouching position to an upright one. He greeted her with a smile but, she did not react. She not only ignored him but continued on her way.

Lindo noticed a year book  swinging on her left hand. "She is in form five too. Must be class b. Wait a minute." He talked to himself. Sibz looked at the girl before turning to Lindo. He smiled to himself briefly, before diverting his attention back at Jazz.

Her friends on the other hand smiled and waved when they saw Jazz. "Mr perfect." Sibz  grumbled annoyingly as he watched the scene unfold before him.

Lindo continued to look at the first girl who ignored Jazz. He simply dreaded the scolding he was going to get after school. And these are the reasons why I don't spend much time outside class.

The rest of the day passed by normally and since it was a Wednesday the students left school early. "Hurry up insect, I need to get to the mall as in yesterday!" Welile shouted as Lindo came out the gate.

"So are we taking a ride there?" Asked Lindo as he approached her. She simply rolled her eyes and began her journey. "I guess that's a no." Lindo sighed while reluctantly following her.

"So what are we going to do anyways?" Lindo asked as he put one hand in his pocket. Welile's cheeks suddenly flashed red. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Ling...linger...lady stuff."  She replied as she picked up the pace. Lindo was confused by her reply but, as he repeated her sentence he realised what she actually meant.

"Lingerie! Nooooooo!" He shouted. This stuttled everyone in that area. Welile just continued walking ignoring him in the process.

"Come on insect get in here." Welile spoke as she tried to pull Lindo into the store.

"I can't enter the forbidden zone." He replied as most of the people inside were laughing at their cute dynamic.

"They make a cute couple." Said a women who was staring at them in adoration. Welile simply let go of Lindo and continued by herself. As Lindo enjoyed freedom he quickly saw Jazz approach the store entrance. Without a second thought he joined Welile as he tried to hide from him. If he saw me here with her all hell will break loose.

They spent thirty minutes there as Welile moved around selecting. Lindo meanwhile closed his eyes because he didn't  want to be slaped by the women present especially his client. "Why me?" He mourned as he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"Lindo? What are you doing here?" Jazz said as he was surprisingly shocked by his friend's presence.

"I could ask you the same thing." Lindo replied quickly trying to change the topic. Jazz simply put his hands on his waist and smuggishily smiled.

"I work here dumbass." Lindo felt like lowering his jaw but, the environment seemed hostile.

"Lindo, I'm don-." Welile announced as she approached them.  With lightning reaction Jazz looked at the girl calling his friend's name.

"It's not what you think man." Lindo quickly responded while waving his hands side to side.  At that moment Welile had an idea.

"Oh honey, how could you deny me in front of your friend. I'll wait for you outside." Welile said as she turned around and smiled devilishly. She looked at Jazz torture him from the corner of her eyes and giggled a little.

Suddenly, Lindo using the cameras of the mall saw armed gun men enter. Using his ability Lindo shut all the doors to the different stores. He quickly activated the malls alarms to alert nearby heroes. Since I can't leave Welile I have to hope a hero comes to the rescue.

From inside the store Lindo heard gun fire and people screaming. Using the cameras he confirmed that no one was shot. "Who are these people?"

Lindo quickly looked at Jazz who in turn looked at him. Both the boys knew that this was not going to end well.

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