Chapter 3

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After school, Lindo met up with Welile at the school gate. "Hey, thanks for waiting." Lindo said as he approached her. Welile kept quiet and just walked towards town. Lindo was now a bit confused. Not only was she ignoring him entirely but, she was travelling to town on foot. "Aren't we going to use the bus, it's quicker?" Lindo asked as he watched her continue her way.

"If you wanna? You can take the bus insect, but I'm walking. I need the exercise." She replied Lindo as she put her hands in the pocket of her school blazer. Lindo wasn't prepared for the walk, nor did he know that she takes them, but he couldn't let her walk alone either.

"So what are you into?" Lindo asked, but all he got was silence. "I guess you don't like me?" He continued making her roll her eyes. Lindo saw the reaction, but he kept quiet for peace's sake. He simply sighed and looked ahead at the skyscrapers in the distance.

"It's not you I hate, it's your barbaric ability that gets my blood boiling... All you people with extraordinary skills think you are special, well you are all wrong. You guys are just defective waste of space and I wish yall never existed." She said with a harsh tone. Lindo didn't know what to say, until now he has never met someone who dislikes super powers nor has he ever thought of himself as special.

"Not all of us are like the few you've seen. Some of us actually care about our fellow human beings, so please don't lump us into the same boat dammit." Lindo said while looking down on the road they were on. Welile's words angered him but, he wasn't going to loose his composure over them. "Sorry for what I said just now." Lindo continued regretting his earlier statement.

As Welile walked in front of him, he noticed a Techna figurine sticking out of her school bag. He wanted to ask her about it however, he  decided to keep to himself.

A familiar figure emerged from the taxi ride. He had just arrived in Manzini, to find the hero who messed up his plans of ending the rise of hero society. He felt overwhelmed by the size of the buildings  and architecture style that he almost unleashed his power. This was a far cry from where he grew up. His clothes were made from firefighter uniforms so they were able to retain his body temperature. He could not decrease it through out his body at once which means he can start fires unintentionally like what happened to his parents ten years ago.

"Sir, you look like you enjoy heroes, here's a Concussion figurine on the house. I hope you enjoy your stay in Manzini." Said a merchant who handed him a small toy. After he left, Blaze kept on looking at the toy thoroughly. The more he starred at it, the angrier he got.

"And these are our children's role models? They are all a bunch of fakes." he said as he threw the figurine into the nearest bin. "Mystery hero, no matter how hard you try hiding I find you." He said as the dustbin started to combust into a large orange flame. This startled everyone near the dustbin.

After Lindo dropped Welile off, he rushed home to get some rest from the hectic day. As he laid in his bed, he kept on thinking about what Welile said to him earlier. It was hard to digest her words. Out of the blue, his phone rang. As he looked at it, he saw that it was a call from Nj who is currently at Ezulwini.

"Hey Njabz." Lindo said with the little strength he had left. Nj could notice Lindo's tone and she  knew immediately that something is bugging him.
"Wazzup bro, you sound like something is bothering you."

" It's this mission my father gave me. I have to protect some spoiled princess." Lindo replied before he sighed a little.

"Century mission, nice. Be happy your father allows you to do them,  mine has stopped them completely." She said slightly sad though.

"But the person I'm guarding is pain, she spends most of her time insulting me and she hates super powers. Like what's up with that?" Lindo added in annoyance.

"Brow don't worry, you got this. I'm sure the person will come around. Anyways did you say she?" Nj noticed that Lindo had gone quiet. "Does my brother have a secret crush on his client." As Lindo heard those words he felt his face heat up a little.

"N-no stop putting words in my mind. Anyways talk to you later, my father and my cousin Tive are back." Lindo said as he ended the call.

"Lindo, we are back." said a little voice  who once entered the house ran straight to his bedroom. "How was your day?" She added with the cutest smile anyone has ever seen. "Lindo can you help me with my homework today?"

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