First Day

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The next morning Saffron was awoken early by Erica. 

All she wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep, already missing the days when she chose what time to get up.

"Come on, you don't want to be late, trust me," Erica warned, walking out of the bedroom. 

Rubbing her eyes and slowly rolling out of bed, Saffron slipped over to the wardrobe and opened it to find the uniforms that Erica said had been hung up for her. 

They were a horrible pale orange colour and were a little baggy. Saffron slipped them on, and a white shirt under her top and slipped her wand in the pocket of her pants. 

Back in Bulgaria she wore a long blue robe with white stripes and a matching hat. She sort of missed it. 

After getting dressed and slipping on the matching orange shoes, Saffron plaited her birds nest of hair before winding it into a bun on the back of her head. She gave 

her face a wash, hoping it would also aid in waking her up a little bit more. She hadn't slept well. She knew she was over reacting, maybe Charlie had just gotten held 

up and he missed her by a minute? Still he could have come and explained. Saffron sighed and tried to push all thoughts of it out. Today was her first day, she needed 

to be focused.

She was just wiping cream onto her scar, when Erica waltzed in. 

"Hey, you ready?" she asked.

"Just a sec," Saffron said. 

"That's a cool scar, how'd you get it?" Erica asked.

"Cool?" Saffron asked. 

"Hell yeah. That's a killer one. You should see Curtis! His looks like that only it's on his side, up his ribs. Dragon attack," Erica explained. Saffron had no idea who 

Curtis was, but she had a feeling scars like hers were accepted in this place. That would explain why no one looked at her funny or mentioned it at dinner that night, 

and that Erica had hugged her upon seeing it. It made her a little more relaxed, after all there was a person underneath it.

"Thanks, uhh, yeah, dragon attack," Saffron nodded. She didn't know Erica very well yet, and even though scars were acceptable it didn't mean having once had a very 

dangerous werewolf as an uncle would be.

"Wow, horntail?" she asked. 

"Chinese Firebolt," Saffron shook her head. 

"Wow," Erica said. "Anyway we'll miss breakfast and be late, come on."

"What time is it anyway?" Saffron asked. 

"Four thirty, which means we only have half an hour, come on," Erica said. Saffron tightened the lid on her cream, nodding before following her out. How on earth she 

was so cheery so early, Saffron would never figure. 

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