Aftermath Feelings

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Waking up the next day, Saffron didn't feel as enthusiastic about the day as she normally would have. Slipping on her work uniform, she pulled her hair back in a braid.

'Ugly,' she thought as she stared in the mirror. It had been a while since she had thought that of herself. But staring in the mirror at the horrid scar that would never heal, she knew Charlie deserved prettier than her, better than her. 

Part of her regretted the decision she had made the previous night. But she knew it was for the best. She couldn't force Charlie to be in a relationship with someone who he was always fighting with. Someone who he struggled to trust. No matter how much she loved him, she wanted him to be happy. 

Wiping the cream on her scar, Saffron almost wondered why she didn't. If it wasn't to keep it healthy she wouldn't bother. It was never going to go away. And her feelings for Charlie wouldn't either. 

It was hard for her to hide the fact that she was crushed. Her lack of smiles, and her slow, droopy movements showed everyone how she was affected. It had people talking and soon enough everyone knew that her and Charlie were no longer an item. 

Saffron had remembered this feeling, from a long time ago. It felt different this time. And she felt that she shouldn't be feeling as bad as she did, not when it was her who ended the pair. 

But still, Charlie had made her happy. She had loved-still loved him. 

"Hey, you wanna go get something to eat?" Erica asked softly, placing a gentle hand on Saffron's shoulder. 

"No thank you," Saffron murmured, concentrating on the forms she was filling out.

"You sure?" Erica asked worried. 

"Yeah," Saffron turned and smiled at her friend. It had been Erica who had stayed up late that night as Saffron cried. Erica had been supportive and Saffron remembered to show her kindness. 

"Ok. But in an hour yeah?"

"Sure," Saffron nodded, getting back to the forms. 

Once complete she shuffled to the south wing, slipping on some gloves before she was ushered out and had to start sorting potions. After a sad night she was having a sad day.

In an hour, Saffron had thrown down her gloves and headed off for her turn for lunch. She didn't feel hungry, but Erica looked ready to drag her out by her ear to get her to eat. Saffron knew it would be silly if she didn't. 

Entering the dining hall, she grabbed food and sat down, munching on carrot sticks, keeping her eyes trained on the different colours on her plate. It was just her luck when she looked up, Charlie was entering the dining hall. He froze as his eyes met hers, searching for something to indicate last night hadn't happened. 

Sorry to disappoint him, Saffron tore away her eyes, pushing away her food before standing and hurrying out the door before Charlie could react. 

Her heart was hammering and she was surprised to not see him following her as she left the hall. It had only been a few hours since she had seen him and it had felt too soon.  

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now