Diagon Alley

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The next few weeks went on and soon enough the end of September was upon them.  It was colder now, and Saffron yearned to go back outside to the snow.

"You want to go outside don't you?" Molly asked her one morning.

"Yes, I do," Saffron admitted, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Then maybe you can do some grocery runs for me. Charlie can go with you," Molly said and Saffron perked up, drinking all of her drink and heading off to get changed into a few layers, having to borrow one of Mrs Weasley's coats as Fleur did not leave a warm enough one for her. She decided she'd have to buy herself some things today.

Charlie had ended up getting the twins back, tricking them into telling their mother what they were doing in their room. Needless to say they weren't happy, but Molly didn't seem to upset either. Just glad they stayed out of trouble.

Saffron was looking forward to Remus visits. She liked that he knew her father, she felt a connection to him and he was always so kind to her. As with Tonks.

Her situation with Charlie was going no where, and as much as she wanted to push it along, she decided to leave it. He wasn't interested, no matter how many times the twins teased her, or Charlie, both of them put it down to the other not being interested.

Saffron wore her hair down, parting it so it landed in a way to hide her face.

She went downstairs to wait for Charlie and to collect the list from Molly.

"Here she is, looking very warm," Molly smiled.

"Good morning," Charlie said.

"Good morning," Saffron replied.

"Now I've given the list to Charlie, but I will give you the money," Molly said, handing over a small purse.

"I will guard it with my life," Saffron blurted and both laughed as she blushed.

"Well, off with you two then. Be safe and hurry back," she said and Charlie nodded, taking Saffron's hand and apparating them out.

They landed in a street, Saffron nearly didn't recognise it as Diagon Alley.

"It's so empty," she frowned, looking up and down the streets for someone. There were a few stragglers and merchants of course and even further down was a couple of hidden Death Eaters watching the streets.

"It's horrible," Charlie said, looking around horrified at all the Wanted posters of Harry Potter.

"So sad," Saffron said. She loved Diagon Alley. It was a place she enjoyed going with her father.

"Keep close," Charlie said, still holding her hand and pulling her in closer. Saffron nodded and leaned in close, happy to share his warmth.

They made it to the store, very little stock was in there and only one register open with an old and dirty l

Looking man.

"Let's be quick," Saffron said and Charlie silently agreed.

They hurried around in silence, getting all of the things off Mrs Weasley's list then taking it to pay.

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